Oxford Internet Institute

Academic background: I studied political science and computer science as an undergraduate and worked on how to grasp the concept of governance in Internet governance from a political scientists perspective. Currently I am reading for my master‘s degree in Social Science of the Internet and am focusing on privacy governance, Internet governance and regulation.
Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG:
Having worked with concepts of Internet governance from a solely academic perspective, I would like to learn more about the interweaving of theory and practice. I hope that discussions about both perspective together informs and inspires my future research. While in the past I had the opportunity to take classes on Internet regulation, I am now looking forward to deepen my knowledge about cyber security, the role of business, as well as other areas of interest for Internet governance. Euro-SSIG brings together experienced practitioners both from academia and the real world, who allow for questions and answer an opportunity I certainly want to make use of. At the programme, I am keen on meeting people with different backgrounds working in and on the same area of interest.