Brazilian Network Information Center (
Academic background: I’m a PhD Candidate in Science and Technology Policy at the University of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. I’m in the last year, almost finalizing my thesis, which deals with network neutrality in Brazil. I did my Masters at the same University, in Culture and Science Communication, dealing with the digital divide issue. Both degrees had a multidisciplinary approach. My undergraduate degree was in Social Communication, at the Federal University of Viçosa, Minas Gerais, southeast of the country. I also joined the first edition of the Brazilian Internet Governance School (EGI) organized by the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (
Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG:
I’m interested in participating in the European Summer School on Internet Governance due to my academic trajectory and my current role within the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee’s Advisory Team. Gradually, I’ve been dealing with different themes related to Internet Governance, from specific topics like net neutrality to the global ecosystem itself. In my ongoing PhD thesis, I’m investigating the complex relations around net neutrality discussion in Brazil, specially in the context of the legislative proceedings of “Marco Civil”, the Brazilian Internet Law. In Advisory Team I participate in diverse processes which deal with Internet Governance themes, in national, regional and international contexts, through gathering information to support multiple decisions of’s board, like, for example, the current process of regulating Marco Civil. I’m also involved in the planning and implementation of different projects and events of the committee, such as the Brazilian Internet Forum and the Brazilian Internet Governance School. As EuroSSIG is one of the most important courses in Internet Governance’s field, I expect to join it and learn from your experiences, so as I can improve my knowledge in IG and enhance my role in the local level.