Academic background: I hold a LLB, a MA in International Relations and a PhD in Political Science from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, where I worked for five years as a researcher at the Center for International Studies on Government (CEGOV). During 2012/2013, I worked at the National Center for Digital Government (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) as a visiting doctoral fellow. My research deals with digital governance in different sorts of political communities and the interplays between digital technologies and international security. I currently work as an Advisor to the board of the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee.
Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG:
In my current position as an Expert Advisor to the board of I am basically in charge of
following the IGF and the ICANN tracks. I am also in charge of the Brazilian Internet
Observatory. Additionally, I am part of the team that is in charge of organizing the Brazilian
School on Internet Governance (EGI). For almost ten years now I have been working with
topics related to Internet governance as an academic as well as a practitioner. There are
several reasons for my being interested in the 2017 Euro-SSIG. First, it is a great opportunity
for enriching my contributions to the processes I am engaged with here in Brazil. Second, it
can help me get acquainted with high level faculty members and students from all parts of
the globe in a cooperative and constructive scholarly environment (which is not always the
case of regular policy arenas inherent to the field). Finally, a one-week intensive course will
provide a chance to study, learn and reflect in a very focused fashion about the current state
of Internet governance worldwide.