Mariia Bezdieniezhna

Institute of International Relations of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University

Mariia Bezdieniezhna – Ukraine

Academic background: 2012-till present – Assistant professor at the Department of International Law; Candidate of Sciences in International law; L.LM in European and Public International Law (University of Amsterdam Law School); PhD in international law (Institute of International Relations); Participant of the Project on "Freedom of Media in Ukraine" by the Joint CoE/Eastern Partnership Programmatic Cooperation Framework Programme (December 2016); Participant of the Pilot training course TOT “Internet and human rights for policy-makers” (Kyiv, 18-20 November 2015); Participant of the Course on Internet Governance and Human Rights policy makers (Kyiv, November 2015).

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG:
Having participated in a number of events on the Internet governance and human rights, freedom of media and policy-making in this field, I am absolutely positive that I want to learn more on these issues and this summer school in beautiful Meissen, which has been my dream destination for many years already, is a dream comes true for me.
It’s no wonder that Internet governance and related topics such as ecosystem, human rights and business top the agenda of policymakers at many different levels today. In addition, as it is rightly pointed out in the latest Global Risks Report prepared by World Economic Forum “the emerging technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) will inevitably transform the world in many ways”. Thus, we desperately need to know how to approach this problem and how to manage it? I’d like to become part of something huge in such a way and to make a difference in the long run.
I am particularly interested in cyber security session because I have some experience teaching this subject to Master student in my alma mater and it’s a no surprise that ensuring national cyber security is one of the latest trends worldwide, including Ukraine.