William Drake

University of Zurich

William J. Drake is an International Fellow and Lecturer in the Media Change & Innovation Division of the Department of Communication and Media Research at University of Zurich. Previously he has been, inter alia, President of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility; Senior Associate and Director of the Project on the Information Revolution and World Politics at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; founding Associate Director of the Communication, Culture and Technology Program, Georgetown University; Assistant Professor of Communication at the University of California, San Diego; and an adjunct professor at the School of Advanced International Studies and the Georgetown School of Business. Some Internet governance activities have included: faculty member, the European, South and African schools on Internet governance; Vice Chair and founding Steering Committee member, Global Internet Governance Academic Network; advisor to the World Economic Forum’s Digital Economy and Society Initiative and the Panel on Global Internet Cooperation and Governance Mechanisms; member, the Multistakeholder Advisory Group of the IGF; member, the UN Working Group on Internet Governance; and 3 terms as Chair of the NonCommercial Users Constituency, 7 terms on the Board of EURALO, 2 terms on the Nominating Committee, and 2 terms on the Generic Names Supporting Organization Council, all in ICANN. Recent books include the edited volumes, The Working Group on Internet Governance: 10th Anniversary Reflections (2016), and Internet Governance: The NETmundial Roadmap (2014). PhD, Political Science, Columbia University.
