
The building, also well known as St. Afra Monastery, has a long history. St. Afra Monastery was founded in 1205 as an “Augustiner Chorherrenstift”. The monks and priests of St. Afra took care of the surrounding villages. After the reformation the “Fürsten- und Landesschule St. Afra“ was opened in 1543 and remained until 1942 in the former monastery. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, the father of the German enlightenment, went to school here. From 1942 – 1992 the Monastery was used for different purposes. Since 1953 a “College for agriculture” was also situated here. In 1992 the Evangelische Akademie Meissen – founded in 1949 – was relocated into these buildings and today the monastery serves as the Conference Center for the Evangelisch-Lutherischen Landeskirche Sachsens.

Lectures as well as the guest rooms for lecturers and fellows are at the following address:

St. Afra-Klosterhof Meissen
Freiheit 16, 01662 Meißen
Telefon: +49 (0)3521 470622
Telefax: +49 (0)3521 470699


Guest rooms
Our guests stay in rooms of simple elegance, whose furnishings and wooden floors still hint at the monks‘ cells of the old monastery. You can enjoy peace and relaxation with puristic comfort.