Electronic and Postal Commmunications Authority – AKEP

Academic background: I have a degree in Computer Science Engineering, from the Polytechnic University of Tirana. Currently I work as ccTLD.al Administrator and I cover both technical and legal administration of ccTLD.al at AKEP. I have worked as a Part time lecturer at the Durres University (Public University in Albania) for Network and Electronic Communications fields. I was Technology Adviser at Albanian Center for Human Rights, Tirane (Albania) an NGO on the Human Rights field. I wasTrainer and Lector for the seminars and events organized by the center.
Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG:
My interest is to better understand the Internet Governance visions and future. Working as ccTLD manager has learned me a lot, but many concepts and mechanisms are still not clear for me. In Albania, where I live there not too much people or organization to work for the sensibilisation and responsibilities in Internet Governance. The current position that I hold (as ccTLD.al Admin) gives me a lot of responsibilities and the need for more knowledge and better understanding of Internet concepts and field. Unfortunately my income does not allow me to follow the curses and schools. So I would like to have the opportunity to follow this course and use the knowledge in my country to help the development and advance in Internet governance and concepts.