Fellows 2011

We will publish here students of the 5th European Summer School 2011 as soon as they are confirmed.

(last update 24 July 2011)

Name, country, institutionAcademic background / interest
Aliaksei Miadzvetski, Belarus

Agency for Policy Expertise

Aliaksei Miadzvetski
Academic background:
  • 2003 - European Humanities University, Department of Philosophy
  • 2009 - Erasmus Mundus Journalism and Media within Globalisation Masters programme

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I am professionally interested in the E-government issues, esp. in open data and public sector information re-use, and in particular in the experience of using ICT in opening up governmental data to the public. I use these data extensively and would like to use the ICT more to ease my daily journalistic routine. That is why topics like licensing, private data protection and cooperation between developers, ngo-activists and public officials are important and interesting to me. Also I created and contribute to the blog http://opendata.by, and these days I am working on a platform for criminal statistics for the city of Minsk based on the data provided by the city police department. Would be happy to share my experience and learn yours.
Aline Carvalho, Brasil / France

Université Paris 8

Aline Carvalho
Academic background: I am a Brazilian student living in France since September 2010, where I'm in the first year of a Creative Industries Master at Paris 8 University. It's, in same time, a professional and academic formation for the cultural, social, historical, political and economical issues of the Creative Industries in Europe. In this first year of Master's diploma, the formation offers general regards on this subject such as Cultural Institutions and Actors, Cultural Diversity, Creative Territories, Creative Industries Marketing. I had my bachelor degree in Media Studies, at the Fluminense Federal University, in Brazil. This really interesting formation proposes a theoretical study of the media order to a strategical regard to its social operation and a creative intervention at the labor market and, notably, at the academic area. During my studies in Brazil, I have made an internship at the General French Consulate in Rio de Janeiro, what had opened my interest in the European context and made me want to continue my studies here. I have also worked for government institutions in Brazil, notably the Secretary of Culture of the State of Rio de Janeiro, where I could learn a lot about public policies for culture. There I worked with the « Culture Hotspots », a program from the Ministry of Culture that supports grassroots projects on a digital network, on which I was making my monograph's research. This work was about the culture production in Brazil, and it was publish in June 2009 by Multifoco, which opened me nice opportunities there.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I heard about the Euro-SSIG last march, at the Medienstadt's workshop on The Governance Dimension of the Internet of Things, in Leipzig, Germany. I was there to present a paper on my research on the cultural policies for digital environment in Brazil, and I was really interested on the opportunity of participating on a such training program on Internet governance. My academic and professional motivation is to study public policies for culture and communication, specially for the digital era. My project in the Master at Paris 8 is to research the Internet policies in France and Brazil, and the relation between society and government, considering the new models on knowledge production and circulation. In this way, I believe that the Summer School Program can give me an important approach on Internet Governance on Europe – which, of course, influences the rest of the world - and will be a great opportunity to develop my skills in public policies for new medias.
Babatope Soreme, Nigeria

Social Responsibility Managers

Babatope Soreme
Academic background: Tope Soremi is a ICT4D Researcher with Project Management Professional (PMP) Credentials over eight (8) years working experience of developing and managing projects. He has over four years experience of managing online & offline content for social and sustainable projects focused on themes like E-Governance, Anti-corruption, Human Rights, Information Rights, Youth Entrepreneurship, Education and Cyber security & Cybercrime. He possesses excellent technical skills with web management & services (content management, portal administration) competencies and is familiar with working in a widely diversified project/program team in an international environment. Since 2002, I have acted as a trainer, facilitator and public speaker at local and international forums such as Consultant, JAN Company Program for Secondary School Students (2002 - 2003); Facilitator, InfoDev E-Governance West African Conference (2003); Session Chair & Speaker at the First African Open Source Conference in Johannesburg – South Africa (2003); Facilitator at WANGONeT ICT Capacity Building Workshops (2003 - 2004); Facilitator with the Lagos Digital Village (2004 - 2006); Youth Workshop Facilitator at the African PrepCom for the World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC) in Abuja - Nigeria (2005); Panelist at the First IGF Meeting in Athens – Greece (2006); Facilitator, Mentorship Roundtable for Youths & Industry ICT experts (2006); Facilitator at SMEDAN ICT Capacity Building Workshops (2006 - 2007). I have also participated in a number of IGF meetings as an ITU Fellow to the 4th IGF in Vilnius (2010) and a Commonwealth Fellow to the 3rd IGF in Sharm El Sheikh (2009). I consult on a range of ICT-related themes for a number of public, private and non-profit organisations within & outside Nigeria. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife and a diploma in Internet Governance from DiploFoundation.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: Over the past years, the Euro SSIG has become a much sought platform for interested persons in the ICT4D sphere and I am no exception. By participating at the 2011 edition, I hope to expand my network within the ICT4D sector interacting with a wide range of individuals and organisations. I also seek diversify my knowledge base of emerging issues of concern to a very varied group of stakeholders from different backgrounds. I will also share of my understanding and perception of the Access Journey so far for Nigeria as a country with relevance to how this has impacted the lives of its citizens over the past two years including recent elections where social media was a key tool for young Nigerians to campaign & seek for increased awareness by all in fostering an open election process - a starting block in good governance. I hope to subsequently use & share knowledge gained in my continued ICT policy & project engagements. I also hope to engage new contacts that increase my research capacity while adopting will extend the reach of my interest in the Access & Security perspectives faced in developing countries. I am willing to act as a facilitator and/or contribute to capacity building initiatives aimed at groups within the Commonwealth.
Beleteze Foretia, Cameroon / Costa Rica

University for Peace

Beleteze Foretia
Academic background:
  • University for Peace San Jose , Costa Rica: MA in International peace Studies: 2010-Current
  • United States institute for Peace: Certificate in Conflict Analysis (2009)
  • University of Buea, Cameroon: Master of Arts in History (2007-2009)
  • University of Buea, Cameroon, Bachelor of Arts, History (2003-2006)

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: Currently i am in the process of conceiving a project on Internet Governance and Peace building in Sub-Saharan Africa. I think that attending this summer school will give me a comprehensive and structured knowledge that will guide me through out this project to make it successful. I know that Euro-SSIG has the unique niche in training young professionals and i am convinced that taking part in the summer school is worth while. Secondly, Cameroon which is my country will soon enact a law on cyber crimes and cyber security. This is coming at a time when cyber crimes have ravaged the the entire country and have scared some foreign investors.The stakes are enormous, given that the Telecommunications and ICT are second after oil, in terms of added value and economic growth in Cameroon. So it’s important to secure investment and ensure better protection for users. Therefore attending an event like this on internet governance will also equip me with the tools in designing policies that can help curb cyber crimes. The knowledge i will get from the event will be spread through a vast array of conferences,seminars and workshops our organization always organize in Cameroon.

Bernard Sadaka, Lebanon

Computer and Communication Engineer

Bernard Sadaka
Academic background: Computer and Communication Engineer, IGCBP with DiploFoundation

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: Euro-SSIG will not only provide excellent material consistent with my involvement with IGF and EuroDIG but will also put me in direct contact with pioneers and future leaders of IG.
Biel Company Pérez, Spain

Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3), Open University of Catalonia

Biel Company Pérez
Academic background:

  • 9/2002-7/2007: Bachelor in Law, Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona, Spain)
  • 9/2006-7/2007: Transnational Law Certificate. University of Geneva (Switzerland)
  • 9/2007-9/2008: Master in Legal Sciences. Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona, Spain)
  • 10/2008 – present: PhD candidate at the Information and Knowledge Society Doctoral Programme of the Open University of Catalonia (Barcelona, Spain)
University positions and grants
  • 01/2008 - 07/2008: Associate Lecturer, Economy and Business Department of the Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona)
  • 10/2008 - 10/2010: Beca de Formación del Personal Investigador (Resarch Personnel Formation grant) awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology to pursue doctoral studies at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
  • 01/2011- present: Research assistant, developing my research at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) of the Open University of Catalonia, within the research project “The transformations of the Law within the Information Society: analysis and prospective” (Ref: SEJ2007-67202)

    Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: As a doctoral student, the main reasons why I would like to participate in the European Summer School on Internet Governance (Euro-SSIG) is to sharpen my knowledge of my research field. But my interest derives also from the learning and networking opportunities offered by the programme, its intensive character and extensive coverage of the Internet governance field, and the quality of its faculty. The Euro-SSIG constitutes, first and foremost, a valuable opportunity to update knowledge and spot trends in the international debate about global Internet regulation. The intensive nature and theory-practice balanced format of the programme makes it especially suitable for those who, having already acquired a knowledge base on the matter, wish to consolidate and deepen their understanding of the subject. In the second place, the Euro-SSIG is, so far, one of the few programmes offering a global, structured, comprehensive and interdisciplinary perspective over the major regulatory issues and institutions that make up the Internet governance field. Such an approach is inherently valuable in the markedly dynamic and ample Internet governance domain, but it is also of particular interest to my doctoral research. My thesis is a study of the emergence of public law principles in the institutionalization process of the global Internet governance regulatory system, so it requires an analysis of a wide range of organizations and institutional arrangements dealing with several regulatory issues. Moreover, attending the Euro-SSIG would enhance the value of my engagement not only in academic discussions, but also in civil society initiatives and organizations in which I am involved, such as the Internet Rights and Principles Dynamic Coalition or the Catalan ISOC Chapter. In the third place, the Euro-SSIG seems offer the possibility to interact with fellow scholars, professionals and organizations involved in the global Internet regulatory debates and processes. Such interaction is valuable because it cross-fertilizes and enriches research and opens up possibilities for collaboration. Finally, all the aforementioned reasons become all the more valuable when put into relation with the quality of the Euro-SSIG faculty. The possibility to get insights from people who have been actively involved in the development of the current global system of Internet regulation is of great value to my research. This is why I have read the views and theoretical developments of several faculty members. The chance to discuss, for example, the impact of certain principles laid down in the World Summit on the Information Society final documents with William Drake, or to debate the institutional evolution of the Internet Governance Forum with Avri Doria, Wolfgang Kleinwächter or Chengetai Masango is undoubtedly one of the most appealing aspects of this summer school. In sum, the Euro-SSIG would be a highly valuable experience for someone who, like me, wants to develop a career that combines academic study and social activism in the field of global Internet regulatory processes.
Boubakar Barry, Ghana

Association of African Universities

Boubakar Barry
Academic background: I am the Coordinator of the Research and Education Networking Unit of the Association of African Universities (RENU-AAU). The main objective of the AAU REN UNit is to facilitate access to adequate and affordable bandwidth for African higher education and research institutions. Prior to joining the AAU in 2006, I was the Director of the Computer Center of Cheikh Anta Diop University (UCAD, 70,000 students) for 8 years, while continuing lecturing computer networks and electronics at the Faculty of Science and Technology of UCAD and other institutions. My background is physics: I did my BSc, MSc and PhD at TU Dresden (Technical University of Dresden) respectively in Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Electronics.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I have been involved in Internet governance for quite a while: I am one of the 4 people who formally set up NIC Senegal (management of .SN) and I am still Chair of the Steering Committee of the body and one of the administrative contacts of .SN. While I am still following what is going on in the Internet governance arena, I did not find enough time to actively participate in important debates for the last few years. I think that this Euro-SSIG will allow me to catch up, especially as academic institutions play a very important role in Internet governance. I am sure my participation will not only benefit me, but primarily the community I am serving.
Daniel Ofori, Ghana

Vodafone Ghana

Daniel Ofori
Academic background:
  • 2006 – 2007: RMIT University, Melbourne- Australia, Bachelor of Applied Science (Information Technology)
  • 2004 – 2005: RMIT University, Melbourne- Australia, Diploma of Computer Science
  • 1999 -2000: Graduate School of Management, Kanda-Accra, Computer Programming
  • 2011: Understanding and Deploying IPv6 Workshop ----- AfriNIC (Internet Number Registry for Africa)
  • 2011: Internet Number Resources Management ----- AfriNIC (Internet Number Registry for Africa)
  • 2011: ICT Policy & Internet Governance Capacity Programme - IGCBP11 ---- Diplo Foundation
  • 2011: Airwide Solutions – AirGuard EIR, AirManager Admin, AirGuard Extension ----- Airwide
  • 2010: Ericsson SIGTRAN Workshop LZU 1086809 ----- Ericsson Ghana
  • 2011: Ericsson GSM System Survey LZU 108852 R9A ----- Ericsson Ghana

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: My active involvement in Internet Governance and capacity building begun in 2009 through the DiploFoundation Internet Governance Capacity Programme. This in turn has rewarded me to partake in Diplo’s ICT Policy and Internet Governance Capacity programme and AfriNIC workshop on Internet Number Resource Management and IPv6.Having been a web participant to Internet Governance Forum held in Sharm-El-Sheikh, Egypt, 2009 and Vilnius, Lithuania 2010 respectively. These events exposed me further to the various issues and discussions confronting the Internet and Internet Governance. Being a member of Internet Society Ghana Chapter, I have been involved in the outreach programmes in tertiary institutions across the country. I am very interested in participating at the Euro-SSIG because the programme provides an in-depth practical, policies in addressing and understanding the Internet Governance issues and also able to contribute objectively to joint discussions, workshops and lectures. Participating in Euro-SSIG 2011 will be an advanced study to my Diplo Training. Also EURO-SSIG 2011 will equip me better addressing, policies, contributing to Internet Governance at the Global, regional and national levels and continue sharing and explaining this knowledge to others.
Dhouha Bayarassou, Tunisia

The Tunis National School of Administration

Douha Bayarassou
Academic background:
  • Computer Engineer
  • Currently Post graduate Student at the Tunis National School of Administration (2nd period)
(The National School of Administration ensures a thirty-month higher training to students intended to exercise in administrative offices in the rank of Advisor of the Public Services or equivalent ranks)

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: The internet has become part of my life since I started my studies in computer engineering. My initial interests were, basically, focusing on the technical level . Thanks to my participation to the Diplofoundation IGCB programme in 2007, I discovered new aspects of the Internet. Indeed, it is not just a gigantic network interconnecting people to easy the communication between them, but more than that, it is a multi-dimensional phenomenon, a whole process that is affecting all aspects of our common life. The advent of the Internet has raised worldwide issues at different levels. The cyberspace has revolutionized people’s life; it has become a determining factor of the way it is being led, putting new rules for the relationship between Government and citizens. (An illustrative example could be the one of the revolutions that took place in Tunisia and Egypt.) Therefore, Internet Governance has been taking more and more part in Governments agendas. Regulating the cyberspace is one of the difficult challenges the administration will be facing. This difficulty is due to the quick mutation of the cyberspace comparing to the long process of laws making added to the intangible aspect of this space. Being a postgraduate student at the Tunis National School of Administration (following a higher training to become an Advisor of the Public Services), I am looking to build on my extensive range of skills within such a multidisciplinary and challenging framework that is the Euro-SSIG, as part of my professional training. I am very keen to live a unique experience that will enable me to be acquainted and work with experimented and talented international students, to discuss new ideas and different points of view and to learn more about other countries experiences. The Euro-SSIG is for me an opportunity to deepen my knowledge in terms of Internet Governance that has become essential for the success of good governance and which will constitute a key element in the building process of a new Tunisian State.

Dorit Richter, Germany

Hostserver GmbH

Dorit Richter
Academic background: Actually, I have not finished my academic studies. I switched over to an apprenticeship for "Geprüfte Fremdsprachenkorrespondentin" English and Spanish and passed the Chamber of Industry and Commerce examination in Dortmund, Germany. Shortly after having passed the exam I started to work with domain names at Hostserver GmbH. Thus, my background seems to be carried by the work with domain name registrations, delegations and as well by the handling of registry relations from the view of a registrar.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: As I'm working in and with the domain name and registrar business since November 2002, I am interested to learn more about the multi stakeholder dialogue of IG. I hope the I-SSIG course will deepen my knowledge of how the mulitple interests regarding internet governance and development gear into each other. Further, I'd like to meet and discuss with other students and experts about the the complex perspectives that come together in the field of internet governance.
Dwi Simanungkalit, Indonesia

Ministry of Communication and Information Technology

Dwi Simanungkalit
Academic background: Bachelor Degree of Public Administration from University of Gadjah Mada - I will Study for my master degree of Public Policy and Administration specialization of Science and Technology in University of Massachusetts, in next Fall Semester.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I want to explore my knowledge about internet resource management. as government officer in Ministry of ICT of Republic Indonesia, who was given a job to find out how the best way of internet resource management in Indonesia. For a while I have to leave real job, because of my study term, But I have committed to make theme internet resource management as my theme for thesis, and will be given to Ministry of ICT of Indonesia and to all Indonesian people. I am kneen can choose as participant in the summer class by global fellowship, as I don't have money to fund my attendee fee. I am really like to earn more knowledge specially in internet technology.
Edward Morris, United Kingdom

University of Aberdeen

Edward Morris
Academic background: I am currently a LLM student in the Faculty of Law at the University of Aberdeen specializing in trademark law. Specifically, I'm conducting research on issues relating to the expansion of trademark rights as a result of the internet, expanded rights as a result of decisions relative to internet governance and domain name practice and the traditional limitations of trademarks themselves. My prior academic background consists of a mixture of human rights, trade and internet law with an earlier focus on the political process. Free speech issues have remained a constant interest throughout all of my studies. I possess a Bachelor of Arts degree (with departmental honours) from the University of Southern California (USA, 1984) where I also earned a Certificate in American Business History. In addition to my current postgraduate studies in Aberdeen, where I am pursuing a LLM in International Commercial Law, I have previously earned a Master of Comparative Law degree from the University of Lapland (Finland, 2003), where my coursework included work in human rights, legal informatics and space law. I have also completed the following courses of study and have been awarded the following qualifications and certifications:
  • Harvard Law School, USA - Completed the Internet Law Programme at Harvard Law School. Certificate awarded May 2004
  • University of Balaeric Islands / ECLIP, Spain - Certificate in Legal Aspects of Electronic Commerce, September 2001 - PG Diploma in Consumer Protection and Electronic Commerce, December 2001 - Certificate in Current Legal Aspects of E-Commerce, December 2003
  • Academy of the World International Property Organisation, Switzerland - Certificate in Intellectual Property Law, November 1999 - Certificate in Advanced Copyright Law. December 2003 - Certificate in Electronic Commerce and Intellectual Property, December 2004
  • Swedish School of Economics and Business
    Administration, Finland - Diploma (with honours), Marketing in Cyberspace
  • University of Turku, Finland - Postgraduate Diploma in International Trade Law, December 1992
  • American University of Paris, France - Postgraduate Diploma (with honours) in International Trade Law, January 1992
  • Abo Akademi University, Finland - Postgraduate Diploma in International Humanitarian Law, February 2000 - Postgraduate Diploma in International Protection of Human Rights, April 1997
  • University of Stockholm, Sweden - IGS Diploma in Social Sciences, November 1990

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: As a student and graduate of the University of Southern California in the mid and late 1980’s I arguablly was present at the birth of what we now think of as internet governance. When you were in the presence of Jon Postel you were in the presence of genius. I’m not sure a lot of people at the time understood the significance of Dr. Postel’s work, I certainly did not, but to think that those rudimentary scraps of paper that recorded the first domain names have evolved into this complex highly political subject area is a bit bemusing. My career path has not been what anyone can consider vertical in nature but it sure has been interesting. I’ve done a substantial amount of field work in the area of human rights, most notably in the former Yugoslavia. I spent about a year of my life as a volunteer with Mother Theresa’s Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta and have worked, in other milieus, for entities as diverse as the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee, Nordic trade consultancies, British motion picture distribution firms and as legal director of a U.K. fair trade food import firm. There have been a few constant, though, through the years: my work in political management and my interest in e-commerce, the internet and free expression. As to the former I’ve worked in political campaigns throughout both the Nordic region and the United States of America. I worked, for example, on Governor Jerry Brown’s 1992 US presidential campaign which broke ground in the use of BBS’s and the like in incorporating the nascent internet in campaign organization. Most recently I spent some time in the State of Arizona on loan to Representative Gabrielle Giffords campaign. Coordinating and supervising folks in the field I saw how the internet has changed modern politics and often not for the better. I’m spending this year in Aberdeen to work through some concerns I have about the impact of the internet on society. It’s part of a retooling of my life into more of a research and academic orientation. To get to where I hope to go I need to better develop my understanding of internet governance because many of the decisions made in this area will define our respective societies as we move forward through history together. I’m very concerned, and it’s reflected in my work in Aberdeen, on the expansive influence of intellectual property rights holders in matters of internet organization and what I conceive as a gradual erosion of freedom and liberty both on and offline. The pervasiveness of commercial concerns as opposed to other concerns (i.e. free expression) is very similar to the gradual erosion of peace principles to commercial concerns in the development of space law. It is not a welcome development. My goal in participating in Euro-SSIG is simply to gain a much greater understanding of internet governance than I now have. Courses like this are hard to find and the subject matter, as here in Aberdeen, is often subsumed in general courses on global governance or intellectual property law. That simply is not sufficient for me. If fortunate to be invited to the Summer School I’ll be able to immediately apply the information gained in the context of my Masters thesis at the University of Aberdeen. In addition, I suspect the knowledge will be of great use to me going forward both academically and politically. Code is law and to understand the development of institutions governing the law of code is essential to understand the development of mediums of expression and modern expression itself. To understand internet governance is to understand governance of the means necessary to those who wish to govern more generally.
Emily Weitzenboeck, Norway

Norwegian Research Center for Computers & Law, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo

Emily Weitzenboeck
Academic background:
  • 2011: Ph.D. in Law, University of Oslo, Norway
  • 1994: LL.M., University of Southampton, U.K.
  • 1993: LL.D., University of Malta, Malta
Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I have recently been employed as a postgraduate fellow by the University of Oslo within the Igov2 project ("Governance of the Domain Name System and the Future Internet: New Parameters, New Challenges"). I would greatly benefit from participating in the Euro-SSIG, especially at such an early stage of my postdoc. The Summer School’s programme is highly interesting, varied and challenging.
Evah Kebarakile Kentshitswe, Botswana

Botswana Telecommunications Authority

Evah Kebarakile Kentshitswe
Academic background: Bachelor of Engineering (BENG) in Computers and Telecommunications Engineering, Post Graduate Certificate in Telecoms Policy and Regulations, Currently pursing LLB

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I am currently working in ccTLD project for my country Botswana, this is the countrys' priority to have their domain name and I have not had exposure to be anywhere comfortable about ccTLD. I would want to get more details in information about technical Internet standards, protocols, codes, domain names, IP addresses, registries and registrars and iam very much interested to look deeper into the opportunities and risks of the emerging global Internet Economy. I have been recently tasked to look into Cyber security issues in Botswana from a position of working for a Telecommunications Regulator In Botswana. Information on the political, economic, social and legal implications of Internet Governance would be an added advantage.
Fabien Betremieux, France


Fabien Betremieux
Academic background: Software/Telecom Engineer, Master of International Affairs (International Economic Policy)

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I have a deep belief in the importance of the ICANN/IGF experiments with respect to the development of future global governance. I have been involved in the TLD industry for about 20 month, I have attended many ICANN meetings. I want to take the opportunity of this EuroSSIG to take time, sit back and reflect on the issues I grapple with everyday at work. My interests are mainly on the political and tech policy aspects of our issues.
Hannes Frederic Sowa, Germany

University of Karlsruhe, Germany

Hannes Frederic Sowa

Academic background: I am currently doing my Diplom at the University of Karlsruhe in computer science. Taking part in this summer school has nothing to do with my studies, it's just self-interest.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: Focusing my interests only on the technical side of the internet for several years (interdomain-routing and DNS), I started to read lots of papers and books about Internet Governance from the beginning of this year. I like to attend to deepen my understanding of IG. This event seems perfect to do so.
Jan Witzmann, Germany

University of Potsdam
Academic background: I am writing a PhD about legal aspects of generic domain names in the German Law of unfair competition. As a lawyer I am specialising in internet law, therefore I have a great interest in legal topics relating to domain names.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: Besides my thesis I also have a professional interest in the topic of the summer school. I am working part-time as inhouse counsel for an internet company based in Lipsia, hosting several platforms with generic domain names like ab-in-den-urlaub.de, fluege.de, geld.de and news.de. By participating in the Summer School I hope to gain a lot more knowledge about ICANN and the different domain name systems in the world. Furthermore I would like to get to know something about the UDRP-regulations and similar regulations for other TLDs. By comparing the different systems I hope to gain a better understanding of every single system and maybe to get new ideas to solve cases relating to domain names. In addition, I am especially interested in the possibilities of new toplevel-domains.
Jean-Philippe Moiny, Belgium

University of Namur-Resarch Centre in IT and Law

Jean-Philippe Moiny
Academic background: I am a graduate in law of the University of Liège (Belgium, June 2008). In September 2008, I joined the Privacy department of the Research Centre in IT and Law [CRID] in Namur (Belgium), as a jurist researcher. On the one hand, I had to work on the implementation of the European INSPIRE (no. 2007/2) Directive in Belgium. This Directive relates to the access to European public geographical data through the Internet. The research concerned data protection and access to and reuse of public sector information. As regards the reuse of public sector information, I was appointed in January 2009, by Royal Decree to the Commission on Access to and Reuse of Administrative Documents, reuse section (Belgium Appeal Committee). On the other hand, in the CRID, I was involved in the study of a foreign data protection regulation in the context of the transborder data flows regime of the European data protection Directive (no. 95/46). Next to these activities, as personal research topics, I began to study data protection, privacy, contract law and private international law in the context of social network sites – mainly Facebook. This defined the main direction of my present researches. Since October 1st, 2009, I am research fellow for the Belgian National Fund for the Scientific Research (F.R.S.-FNRS). Now, I carry out a PhD research (promoter thesis Prof. Yves Poullet) related to the applicability of privacy and “related rights” (data protection and confidentiality of computers) to international situations, in the context of cloud computing and, more generally, Internet. I therefore skipped from social network sites to cloud computing and the Internet in general. In this respect, I had an opportunity to participate in the EuroDIG 2010 for the Council of Europe – open hour on cloud computing. Finally, next to my doctoral research, I am also involved in a reflection related to the future modification of the Council of Europe Convention on data protection (ETS no. 108).

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG:
My interest to attend the summer school is twofold: intellectual and social. Both these interests are obvious. How to study the way law applies – or should apply – to the Internet if you don’t understand what this latter is and what it involves? How to comprehend the regulation of the Internet internationality if you don’t know and understand the others? These human and technical parameters are fundamental and therefore cannot be ignored carrying out the research explained above. In this respect, I am convinced that the Euro-SSIG may be of high value for my personal training. On the intellectual side, a few more words about my research topic may help to understand my interest. Internet and the cloud highlight the increasing internationality of concerns relating to privacy and “related rights”. This context illustrates the paroxysm of the dematerialization and the multi-location of the elements of a particular situation (individuals, data, terminals, States, etc.). It makes it possible to test the spatial applicability of the rights at stake and the legal methods defining this applicability. Which is the place of the European rights in a global context where global and daily similar concerns occur, and where different legal orders bring different solutions? Nowadays, there is no legal certainty. And this harms individuals and companies active in the cyberspace. The current research aims at studying the consistency of the recourse to different legal methods, in defining the applicability to international situations of the different aspects of privacy and “related rights”. The evoked context is a laboratory to assess the consistency of how law comprehends the internationality as regards these latter rights, over the Internet. As regards the concerned rights, my research is about studying the applicability of fundamental rights to international situation, from private international law, criminal international law and applicability of human rights perspectives. To roughly sum up, the study relates to jurisdiction concerns linked to privacy and “related rights”. I think that this program is a part of the core of the Internet governance as it tries to tackle substantial jurisdiction concerns. But first of all, what does Internet governance precisely recover? And how does it work? Moreover, still on the intellectual side, the Euro-SSIG might also help me to get in what is an objective of the research centre where I work, and what is central to the comprehension of the whole Internet universe: multidisciplinarity (or also transdisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity). As a Belgian jurist, my studies gave me a sound legal background, but only a legal one. As a researcher, self-discipline was – and is still – the main solution to improve my knowledge of the factual context I studied and still study: social networks, cloud computing and Internet. Of course, my interest is not to become a computer scientist, an historian of the Internet, an economist, etc. But the Euro-SSIG – and more generally, the dialogue on Internet governance – can help me to acquire the open-mindedness required to realize, in all humility, a legitimate, relevant and useful research. It could help me of course, if all these intellectual interests led me to choose the Euro-SSIG, my deep-seated motives are also human – social or relational. Ideas and understanding – in a broad sense – of course also stems from dialogue. As collaborations do. In this respect, the Euro-SSIG is clearly a place to meet interesting people and to make bridges between individuals across continents – in the 2010 editions, four continents were represented – and fields of activity – academic, private and governmental. I also think that my actual career reaches a time of mobility. And to this end, the Euro-SSIG might be a router. Last but not least, I would also hope, from a less serious perspective – but anyway, clearly no less important – that the Euro-SSIG simply be an opportunity to make new friends all over the world!

...more about Jean Philippe
Marcelo Corrales, Paraguay / Germany

University of Hanover, Institute for Legal Informatics

Marcelo Corrales
Academic background: Marcelo Corrales, is an Attoney-at-Law registered in Paraguay. He studied law at the Universidad Catolica de Asuncion and received his Master's degrees in Law and Information Technology and European Intellectual Property Law from Stockholm University, Sweden. Since October 2007 he is a Research Associate at the IRI, University of Hanover in Germany where he works in EU funded projects and gives lectures in Intellectual Property, Data Protection and Biotechnology Law.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I am very interested in interdisciplinary subjects, in particular the convergence between the fields of Law and the Internet. The EURO-SSIG will provide me with an opportunity to expand my knowledge in these areas. There are many reasons why I decided to apply for this summer program. First, throughout my personal career I have always worked hard to promote legislative standardization and harmonization. It has always been a strong motivation for me to promote international legal standards. Thus, I would like to take part and contribute to the political, economic and legal implications of internet governance. Second, I am also interested in learning the rather technical aspects of internet standards and protocols in particular in the field of domain names registration. I am aware of the threats of bad faith registration and use by third parties of Internet domain names corresponding to trademark holders’ rights. I would like to be part of reducing this threat by being part of the Center. Last but not least, I believe that my international background and experience will fit with the diverse environment in this summer course as it offers the opportunity to deal with different European and international issues in the subject.
Matthias Pfeifer, Germany

dotversicherung GmbH

Matthias Pfeifer
Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: As the CTO of the .versicherung and .reise TLD Project i want to take a closer look to internet gouvernance and how it works.
Mohammed Ismail, United Arab Emirates


Mohammed Mubarak
Academic background: Bachelor in Computer Science

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: Due to my job nature which is directly involved with Internet Governance in General
Oana Ciornodolea, Romania

West University in Timisoara

Oana Ciornodolea
Academic background:
  • 2011: Simulation of United Nations « The biggest international
    model UN conference in Rome », Italy
  • 2010: « Diplomacy and Security » courses at the Romanian
    Institute of Diplomacy in Bucharest
  • 2010: Workshop “Model European Union” simulation in Mainz
    organized by AEGEE Mainz/Wiesbaden, Germany, with
    the support of Bringing Europeans Together Association
  • 2010: Scholarship on Summer school in Budapest – « Member
    states – actors of the European integration », Certificate of
    juridical and political studies of Central and Eastern Europe
  • 2009 – present: Master in European Journalism and Communication in
    Multi-ethnic Regions, University of West, Timisoara,
    Faculty of Science Politics, Philosophy and Communication
  • 2002 – 2006: University “Al. I. Cuza”, Iasi, Faculty of Letters, specialized
    in foreign languages - French
  • 1998 – 2002: National College ”Mihai Eminescu”, Botosani, section:
Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I want to better understand the structure and the aspects of the Internet Governance and how these aspects can help and improve the quality of political rules, the dimensions of journalism and economic all over the world.
Philipp Mirtl, Austria

Austrian Institute for International Affairs (oiip)

Philipp Mirtl
Academic background: I am currently studying Political Science and Economics at both the University of Vienna and the Vienna University of Economics and Business

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: In my thesis I am concentrating on Multistakeholder Governance in International Regulatory Regimes. In this respect I am concerned with a Case Study on ICANN's New gTLD Process. Also, I am working for Alexander Klimburg who is a Fellow and Senior Advisor at the Austrian Institute for International Affairs and a specialist on cybersecurity issues.
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro, Republic of Fiji

Telecom Fiji Limited/ Young Professionals Training Development Forum

Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro
Academic background: Bachelor of Laws, Professional Diploma in Legal Practice, Post Graduate Diploma in Legislative Drafting, Financial Analysis - Basics, Financial Analysis Advanced, Telecom Essentials, Universal Access and Service Obligations, Internet Governance Foundation with Diplo, Advanced Security, Research Policy

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I would like to learn more about Internet governance dynamics, particularly the European perspective and see how it can be applied in Fiji and in the Oceania and Pacific. I would also like to hear first end from organisation representatives as I am working towards building capacity within my own country. In Fiji, I am Chair of the Cyber Security working group (Public Private Partnership model), the little I know about of Internet Governance is through Diplo and it has helped me understand and navigate better. I believe the Euro-SSIG would enhance my understanding and my capacity to contribute positively in Fiji and in the Pacific.
Tobias Mahler, Norway

Norwegian Research Center for Computers & Law, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo

Tobias Mahler
Academic background: I hold a PhD in law and I am currently postdoctoral fellow at the NRCCL, university of Oslo.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: During the next 3 years my research will focus on Internet governance, cf http://www.jus.uio.no/ifp/english/research/projects/internet-governance/
Towela Jere, South Africa

NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency

Towela Jere
Academic background: I am an electrical engineer by training (telecommunications and networking). My first degree is from the University of Malawi while my MSc and PhD are from the University of Kansas.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG:
I am interested in developing Internet Governance programs in Africa, as through my work with NEPAD I have noticed that there is a gap in skills, awareness and participation in Internet Governance activities in Africa. I have heard a lot about the Euro-SSIG and would want to obtain first-hand experience with a view to transferring that knowledge and experience to Africa.
Yuanyuan Guan, China

Saarbrücken University, Germany

Yuanyuan Guan
Academic background: