Marko Paloski

Youth IGF MKD, North Macedonia

Currently in the last year of my studies at „Ss.Cyril and Methodius“ University in Skopje – Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering. Coordinator of Youth IGF MKD initiative, active member of IGF MKD and SEEDIG community.



Fellow Report

This was my first summer school that I have been in my life, and I’m excited that I was part of it. Before I arrived in Meissen for the school, I was in Dresden for day and half for exploring the city and Germany!

What I liked the most when I first arrive at Meissen it was the place, the city it self it is very small and very nice, especially the venue was so good and it was really like build and meant for these kinds of summer schools or some training courses on short times. It was very magical the whole place, like Wolfgang mentioned on the first night this location is to be here learn about Internet Governance, drink, eat and talk about Internet Governance, and I felt and like it like that.

The program was very nice organized and good constructed, each day was with special thematic and all of the lectures and discussions were in line with that thematic topic for the day. We covered almost every aspect of the Internet Governance world, not that much deeply but still enough for someone who is new in the Internet Governance world, but also some one who is already in this world. From Internet Governance in general and geo-policy, to technical regulations and how IP addresses works, through cyber security and human rights, business and e-commerce to the future ideas and challenges that the internet is/will be facing.

From whole program I like that we had people/lecturers from each major organization/institution/body which is heavily involved in the internet governance world, for example ICANN, RIPE, ISOC, EuroDIG, Internet Governance Schools, Diplomats from different governments from the world, professors from different universities, technical communities and civil society organizations. Also, the timing was very good we had enough time for discussion and Q/A session after each lecture and at the end of the day, where this is not very common on other Internet Governance projects/initiatives. I already get involved in some of the activities of those organizations after the school, because of the knowledge sharing of the lecturers on specific working groups and initiatives.

The participants were so diverse, from whole world, different background and working in different institutions and positions, and last but not least very diverse in age, which was good! It was enough time to meet with everyone and talk about different things not just Internet Governance stuff. I met a lot of people and some of them are already my friends.

The social part was very nice and well organized, with all the necessary things for visiting and exploring new city. Sight seeing the Meissen and some things near the city, tasting delicious food that are specialized in this region and the best wine from Meissen.

In short words I can say that this summer school is recommended for anyone who wants to learn more and get involved in the Internet Governance world, I highly recommend and a lot every part of it. Sandra, Wolfgang and all who were involved in the organization they did it really good for those 15 years of existence of the school. From venue, program, social events to participants and the whole support that they give us is outstanding! I hope that again will visit Meissen and the school in the future as part of some presenter or maybe guest.