(as of June 1, 2010)
Seiiti Arata, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil ![]() | Seiiti Arata Jr is a communications consultant with more than a decade of experience in the information technology, media and entertainment industry. A Brazilian citizen from São Paulo, he currently works with the Secretariat of the Internet Governance Forum in Geneva. He has a background in law at the University of Sao Paulo and a Master's degree in international law at the University of Sao Paulo, presenting his dissertation on “Regulation by technological standards in Internet Governance” |
Wolfgang Benedeck, University of Graz / Austria ![]() | Wolfgang Benedek is Director of the Institute of International Law and International Relations of the University of Graz, Austria and of the European Training and Research Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Graz (ETC); Chairman of the Austrian Committee of World University Service (WUS) Austria; Since 2003 he has coordinated several research projects in the field of Internet Governance and the role of human rights in the information society which have resulted in two books, i.e. Benedek/Pekari (ed.), Menschenrechte in der Informationsgesellschaft (2007) and Benedek/Bauer/Kettemann (ed.), Internet Governance and the Information Society (2008) and several other publications. He is also involved in internet literacy of school teachers and internet education at university level and presently works with a team of experts for the Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights and Principles to elaborate a Charter of Human Rights and Principles on the Internet. |
John Bing, University of Oslo, Norway ![]() | Jon Bing (born Tønsberg, Norway 1944), cand jur (Oslo) 1969, dr juris (Oslo) 1982, Professor, Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo. Dr juris hon causae (Stockholm 1997 and Copenhagen 1998), Computer Law Pioneer Award (San Diego 1993), Visiting Professor, King's College (London) 1997-2000. Royal Academic Gold Medal 1975 (with Trygve Harvold), Telenor Nordic research prize for information technology and society 2001, Nordic honorary prize for contribution to law (offered every fourth year) 2002, Honorary prize Norwegian Library Association 2004. Member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Science, and is a Knight of St Olav first order (by King Harald V). Doctoral thesis on legal information systems and communication processes. Additional areas of research: Data protection, intellectual property law, interlegal law and Internet governance, all related to information technology. Numerous publications, national and international. Former offices include Council of Europe Committee on Legal Data Processing (chair), European Cultural Foundation (member), Norwegian Film Council (Chair), Norwegian Council for Cultural Affairs (Chair) and Organising Committee IFLA 2005 Oslo (chair). Current offices include Board of Governors, Generic Name Support Organization, ICANN (member), Data Protection Tribunal (chair). First fiction 1967 (with Tor Åge Bringsværd), since then published novels, short-stories, essays, translations; plays for stage, radio and television, libretti of operas; edited anthologies, etc. Prizes for best annual juvenile novel (1975), best annual crime fiction (1979), best annual comic strip (1980), NKS educational prize for a television series introducing law in practice (1991). |
Olga Cavalli, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina ![]() | Ms Cavalli is an Electronic Engineer, she holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration and a Masters Degree in Telecom Regulations. She is also a PHD Candidate in Business Administration. Ms. Cavalli is advisor of the Ministry of Foreing Affairs of Argentina. She is the Argentina representative at the GAC (Governmental Adivsor Commitee) of ICANN, the Argentina Focal Point for the Information Society eLAC 2007 Action Plan, the coordinator of the eLAC2007 Financing Working Group and the coordinator of the eLAc 2007 Internet Governance Working Group. She was the Argentina representative and negotiator during World Summit of the Information Society held at Tunis, in November 2005. Ms. Cavalli is a teacher in the Universidad de Buenos Aires, in the Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires and in the Instituto del Servicio Exterior de la Nación, where she teaches subjects related with technology, Internet and policy related with technology. |
Bertrand de la Chapelle, French Foreign Ministry, Paris ![]() | Betrand de la Chapelle is an envoy for he information society in the Foreign Ministry of the French government in Paris. He represents also the French government in ICANN´s Governmental Advisory Committee. As an entrepreneur and a diplomat he was the co-animator of the OpenWSIS Initiative since its foundation in December 2002. In the 1990s he was an advisor to the French Minister for European Affairs. When he left the ministry he became the co-founder of Virtools, a private company. He was a member of the G8 Digital Opportunity Task Force (DOT Force) and devoted two years in 2001-2002 to the study of multi-stakeholder mechanisms for global governance. In 2006 he returned to the public service in the Foreign Office. Bertrand de la Chapelle is a graduate from Ecole Polytechnique (1981), Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (1983) and an alumni of Ecole Nationale d'Administration (1986). |
Avri Doria, Lule University of Technology, Sweden ![]() | Avri Doria is an independent research consultant and an adjunct professor at Lule University of Technology in Sweden. She was recently elected as chair of the GNSO Council of ICANN. Furthermore she is involved in Internet standardization work of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and works as a consultant for the secretariat of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) of the United Nations. She was a member of the UN Working Group on Internet Governance and a civil society participant in the UN World Summit on the Informaiton Society. |
William J. Drake, Centre for International Governance at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland ![]() | William J. Drake is a senior associate of the Centre for International Governance at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland. In addition, he is co-editor of the MIT Press book series, The Information Revolution and Global Politics, and a consultant on global information and communication technology (ICT) policy issues. His scholarly research, teaching/training, and policy advocacy work focuses in particular on the global governance of ICTs and the Internet, and more generally on the information revolution’s impact on world politics. Some of his current activities and affiliations include: Vice-chairperson of the Global Internet Governance Academic Network; Research Associate of the Institute for Tele-Information at Columbia University; and memberships in: the faculty of the International Summer Schools on Internet Governance; the Council of the Generic Names Supporting Organization in the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN); the Board of Directors of the European At Large Organization in ICANN; the Noncommercial Users Constituency in ICANN; the Group of High-Level Advisors of the United Nations’ Global Alliance for ICT and Development; the interim Civil Society Information Society Advisory Council of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development; and the civil society Internet Governance Caucus in the United Nations’ Internet Governance Forum. Other recent activities and affiliations have included memberships in: the United Nations’ Working Group on Internet Governance; Working Group 1 of the United Nations Information and Communication Technologies Task Force; the Social Science Research Council’s Research Network on IT Governance and Transnational Civil Society; and the World Economic Forum’s Task Force on the Global Digital Divide. Previous positions held include, inter alia: President and member of the Board of Directors, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility; Visiting Senior Fellow, the Center for International Development and Conflict Management, University of Maryland, College Park; Senior Associate and Director of the Project on the Information Revolution and World Politics, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; founding Associate Director of the Communication, Culture and Technology Program, Georgetown University; Assistant Professor of Communication at the University of California, San Diego; and adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies and at Georgetown University’s School of Business. Drake received his M.A., M.Phil, and Ph.D. in Political Science from Columbia University. |
Bernhard Erler, nic.at, Austria ![]() | Bernhard Erler studied law at the faculty of law in Salzburg. He has been employed since December 2000 as a lawyer for nic.at and was promoted to the head of the legal department in July 2010. His field of activities includes legal consultation concerning domains and domain disputes, the Registrar System and legal issues within the company. In addition his field of activities also includes forming contracts and the training of Registrars as well as the legal representation of nic.at towards national and international organisations. Furthermore he is an active speaker at seminars and events. |
Hartmut Glaser, nic.br, Brasil![]() | 1968/1972 => Researcher at Van de Graaff Laboratory at Institute of Physics/USP (University of São Paulo) 1972/1990 => Researcher at Microelectronics Laboratory - Escola Politécnica - USP 1989/1993 => Special Adviser to the Director (Dean) - Escola Politécnica – USP 1994/1996 => Special Adviser to the Rector of University São Paulo 1996/2004 => Special Adviser to the President of FAPESP (Foundation for Reseach Support of the State of São Paulo) 1996/2002 => Coordinator of the Academic Network/ANSP at the State of São Paulo 1996/2009 => CEO of the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee - CGI.br/NIC.br |
Philipp Grabensee, Afilias Ltd., Dublin, Germany ![]() | Philipp Grabensee is Chairman of the Board of Afilias Ltd. Since 2003 and was Member of the Names Council of ICANNs Domain Name Supporting Organisation (DNSO). He studied law and philosophy at the Free University Berlin and the Rheinischen-Friedrich-Wilhelms-University in Bonn. He is an attorney with SHSG in Düsseldorf. |
Ayesha Hassan, International Chamber of Commerce, Paris / France ![]() | Senior Policy Manager for E-Business, IT and Telecoms, Executive in charge of ICT policy ICC International Secretariat, Paris. Ayesha Hassan manages ICC's Commission on E-Business, IT and Telecoms. She is in charge of ICC’s initiative, Business Action to Support the Information Society (BASIS). She managed the Coordinating Committee of Business Interlocutors (CCBI), a vehicle mobilizing and coordinating the involvement of the worldwide business community in the process leading to the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Summits of 2003 and 2005. In 2004 Ms Hassan accepted the UN Secretary General’s invitation to participate in his Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG). She also served on the UN Secretary General’s Task Force on Financial Mechanisms, and serves on the advisory group for the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). She has represented ICC on numerous occasions, participating and making presentations at international and regional events including the G8 Dot Force and the UN ICT Task Force, OECD, WTO, ITU Telecoms and the EU Commission. Ms. Hassan is an experienced lawyer, and has a background in dispute resolution, international policy, and e-commerce issues. She is former head of online dispute resolution services at SquareTrade. Ms. Hassan obtained her undergraduate degree from the University of Chicago in Political Science, law degree from the University of San Diego, and a masters degree in international policy studies from Stanford University. |
Michael Heller, Attorney, SHSG in Düsseldorf ![]() | Michael Heller has studied law and political science at the Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-University in Bonn. He is an attorney with SHSG in Düesseldorf, specialized, inter alia, in legal issues of the Internet Domain Name System (DNS) |
Sandra Hoferichter, Medienstadt Leipzig e.V / Netcom Institute, Germany ![]() | Sandra Hoferichter is project manager at Medienstadt Leipzig e.V., a recognized At Large Structure under ICANN Bylaws. She became involved in the Internet Governance process during the ICA-IAMCR Expert Meeting in Rathen/Germany in July 2006 which paved the way for the establishment of the “Global Internet Governance Academic Network” (GIGANET) and initiated the establishment of Summer Schools in Internet Governance (SSIG). Since 2007 she coordinates the European Summer School on Internet Governance (Euro-SSIG) which takes place every year in Meissen / Germany. She is also the administrative coordinator of the European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG), the European IGF, the ICANN Studienkreis and was key organizer of various Internet conferences, including an EURO-NF Expert Meeting on the “Governance and Privacy Dimension of the Internet of Things” (Leipzig, July 2009). Sandra holds a degree in Architecture of the Academy of Technique, Culture, and Business of Leipzig (HTWK). |
Wolfgang Kleinwächter, University of Aarhus, Chair of the Faculty of the ISSIG, Germany ![]() | Professor for Internet Policy and Regulation, Department for Media and Information Sciences, University of Aarhus. Previous Academic Teaching includes University of Tampere, School of International Services, American University, Washington, D.C, Halle University, University of Moscow, University of Oerebro and Heilbronn Business School. 1994 to 1998 Chairman Inter-Regional Information Society Initiative (IRISI) of the European Commission in Brussels and Coordinater Saxonian Information Initiative (SII). Member of the Board Medienstadt Leipzig e.V., a recognized ICANN At Large Structure (ALS). Involved in Internet Governance since 1997. Member ICANN´s Membership Implementation Task Force (MITF/2000), ICANNs Interim At-Large Group (2001/2002), ICANN´s Nomination Committee (NomCom/2005/2008), WSIS Civil Society Bureau (2002/2005) and Panel of High Level Advisers of the Global Alliance for ICT & Development (GAID). Co-founder and chair "Internet Governance Caucus" (IGC/2002-2003). 2004 appointed by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan as a member of the UN Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG). Since 2005 Special Adviser to the Chair of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). His research is documented in more than 100 international publications, including five books. Recent articles has been published in Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review, Development, info and Telecommunication Policy. He serves/ed in advisory boards of Transnational Data and Communication Report, Computer Law and Security Report, The Journal of Media Law and Practice, Communication Law and Gazette. Member of Programme Committee for INET 2002. Co-founder Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GIGANET), Internet Governance Summer School (SSIG) and ICANN-Studienkreis. Member International Council of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) where he co-chairs the Law Section. |
Dirk Krischenowski, dotBerlin, Germany ![]() | Dirk Krischenowski (43) is from the city of Berlin in Germany. He joint the ICANN process coming from the life science industry. Since 1999 he has been involved in Internet and domains by setting up generic domain disease portals for health portals and the industry. He also managed large domain portfolios for large pharmaceutical companies. In 2004 Dirk initiated with .berlin (dotberlin) a meanwhile global movement towards city-top-level-domains (cityTLDs), world cities like New York, Paris, Tokyo and Barcelona followed his example with own cityTLD initiatives. He is also spokesperson of the cityTLD interest group which aims to become accredited as constituency at ICANN. Furthermore Dirk is partner at DOTZON, consulting companies in acquiring a .brand top-level-domain. |
Markus Kummer, Internet Governance Forum (IGF), Geneva /Switzerland ![]() | Markus Kummer is the Executive Coordinator of the Secretariat supporting the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). Previously he headed the Secretariat of the Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG). From 2002 until 2004 he held the position as eEnvoy of the Swiss Foreign Ministry in Berne. Mr. Kummer was a member of the Swiss delegation during the first phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) where he chaired several negotiating groups, including the group on Internet governance. He is a career diplomat who served in several functions in the Swiss Foreign Ministry. |
Massimiliano Minisci, ICANN![]() | Massimiliano Minisci joined ICANN in 2008 as Regional Relations Manager responsible for Europe. Prior to that he spent seven years in Brussels as public policy/regulatory manager for companies and associations in the telecom sector. He started his career in Italy working as a applied-economics researcher for a private research centre in Rome. He then joined an Italian trade association representing industrial SMEs where he held different positions in public policy/advocacy. Massimiliano hold a degree in Economics from the University La Sapienza in Rome. |
Zico Moro, dotMobi ![]() | Zico Moro, dotMobi Channel Sales Manager, is responsible for .mobi domain sales in dotMobi’s network of 100-plus registrars in EMEA and India. He also shares responsibility for EMEA sales of dotMobi’s award-winning Instant Mobilizer® service and the new goMobi™ service. Previously, Mr. Moro was sales manager at Dell Ireland and key account manager at Microsoft Ireland. He has also held management and finance positions in other leading technology companies in Ireland and Spain. Mr. Moro holds a degree in Economics and Business Sciences from the University of Seville, Spain. About dotMobi Headquartered in Dublin, dotMobi is a worldwide leader in enabling the development & discovery of quality mobile content through innovative services, in turn helping businesses and individuals reach the world’s billions of mobile phone users. dotMobi spurs mobile industry innovation by giving content providers the tools they need to ensure the Web will work on mobile phones with speed, accuracy and relevant content. dotMobi, a wholly owned subsidiary of Afilias Limited, was founded by 14 visionary mobile operators, network & device manufacturers, and Internet content providers, including Ericsson, Google, GSM Association, Hutchison 3, Microsoft, Nokia, Orascom Telecom, Samsung Electronics, Syniverse, T-Mobile, Telefónica Móviles, Telecom Italia, Visa and Vodafone. • Visit http://dotMobi.mobi for information on .mobi top-level domains and all dotMobi services. • Visit http://mobiForge.com and http://goMobi.info for mobile site development and services. • Visit http://mobiThinking.com for mobile marketing information and services. • Of course, use the .mobi equivalents of these sites to guarantee a quality experience on your mobile device. And see the dotMobi blog at http://blog.mobi. |
Milton Mueller, University of Delft, The Netherlands ![]() | Milton Mueller is Professor at Syracuse University School of Information Studies, USA, and also XS4All Professor at the Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. Mueller received the Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1989. He was one of the founders of the Internet Governance Project, an alliance of scholars in action around global Internet policy issues. Dr. Mueller’s research focuses on property rights, institutions and global governance in communication and information industries. His book Ruling the Root: Internet Governance and the Taming of Cyberspace (MIT Press, 2002) was the first book-length analysis of the political and economic forces leading to the creation of ICANN. He is currently working on a book about Internet governance in the post-World Summit on the Information Society environment: Networks and. Nation-States: The Global Politics of Internet Governance. |
Michael Niebel, European Commission, ICANN GAC, Belgium ![]() | Michael Niebel is Head of Unit in the Directorate General for the Information Society and the Media (DG INFSO) of the European Commission in Brussels where he works on Internet Policy and Network Information Security. He is a member of the EU High Level Working Group on Internet Governance and represents the European Union in ICANNs Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC). He was involved in the UN Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG) and and is now linked to the Advisory Group of the Inernet Governance Forum (IGF) of the United Nations. In the 1990s he was a member of the cabinet of the EU Commisisioner for Telecommunication, Martin Bangemann. |
Frank Orlowski, DE-CIX Management GmbH ![]() | Frank Orlowski joined DE-CIX in March 2006 and leads the company's business development and marketing. He came to DE-CIX from Deutsche Telekom (New York & Bonn) where he was in charge of the European peering strategy and development. Prior to joining Deutsche Telekom, he was Director of Market Development at access:Seven Communications, a Frankfurt based telecommunications startup and a Key Account Manager at STAR Telecom. Frank has 10 years experience in the carrier’s carrier business and 14 years Internet experience. |
Andrew Romanov, RU Coordination Center, Moscow / Russia ![]() | Andrew Romanov graduated from the Moscow Physical-Technical Institute in 1979 and until 1989 contributed to several research projects in solid state physics and physics of thin films at various Russian research institutions. Prior to 1993, he was a member and leader of several research projects to establish the elements of modeling systems and study the interaction between the pilot and aircraft control system for aerospace industry. Since 1992, Andrew was the leader of one of the first Russian Internet service provider. Than since 1997, he led projects to develop billing systems for internet-operators. The resulting system has been used by leading Russian operators to service their online customers. Since 1993, from the onset of .RU domain, he participated in the expert group, which developed the domain policy and oversaw the .RU Registry’s operations. In 2001, Andrew was among experts who developed the principles of the .SU domain, and then for several years he was a member of the Supervisory Board of the Foundation for Internet Development, which de-facto administers the .SU domain. Between 2005 and2009 Andrew was Director of the Coordination Centre, the .RU Registry. As a member of the ICANN IDNC working group he contributed to development of fundamentals of the Fast Track procedure. Currently Andrew works as Deputy Director of the Coordination Center. |
Marcel Schneider, SWITCH, Zurich / Switzerland ![]() | Marcel Schneider was born 1.4.1949 in Winterthur, Switzerland; basic education as dipl. El. Ing. FH/STV/EUR-ING. From 1973 to 1980 working for Swiss Broadcasting Corporation, technical department. From 1980 to 1990 at Willi Studer AG as project manager for the development of the first open reel digital tape recorders and as assistant to the chief development manager. January 1991 to today: Foundation SWITCH, first as network engineer, currently as manager special operations and international relations. Studies newer history at University of Zurich. Holds two patents and is co-author of a book on Internet domain names, published 1996. |
Giovanni Seppia, The European Registry of Domain Names (EURid), Belgium ![]() | External Relations Manager, The European Registry of Domain Names (EURID), Brussels |
Maarten Simon, SIDN, The Netherlands ![]() | Maarten Simon is General Counsel at SIDN, the operator of the .nl top-level domain and of ENUM in the Netherlands. His responsibilities include SIDN’s legal policy, its position as an independent nongovernmental organization and its role as a good corporate citizen. Before joining SIDN, Maarten worked as an attorney at law for a number of years and holds a master’s degree in Dutch civil law, as well as a master’s degree in information technology law. |
Stephan Welzel, DENIC, Germany ![]() | Stephan Welzel, attorney-at-law, is general counsel to DENIC, the registry for the German Top Level Domain .de and the German ENUM domain .9.4.e164.arpa, in Frankfurt/Main, Germany. Since joining DENIC in 1999, Stephan Welzel has been intimately involved with Internet industry organizations such as ICANN and, in particular, the international cooperation of country code Top Level Domain registries. Since 2002, he has been chairman of the Legal & Regulatory Group of the Council of European National Top Level Domain Registries (CENTR). Also, he is a member of several German advisory groups on Internet and new media issues such as the Committee on Telecommunication and New Media of the German Chamber of Commerce (DIHK). Stephan Welzel regularly presents on Internet policy and legal matters in various fora and has published numerous law journal articles on domain name law. |
Hong Xue, Institute for Internet Law, Bejing / China ![]() | Dr. Hong Xue is a Professor of Law and the Director of the Institute for the Internet Policy & Law at Beijing Normal University (BNU). Before joining BNU, she was the associate professor of Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong. Prof. Xue specializes in intellectual property law, information technology law and the Internet governance. Prof. Xue is the fellow of Yale Information Society Project. Prof. Xue was elected as one of the Ten Nationally Distinguished Young Jurists by the China Law Society. She works in many governmental and non-governmental organizations. She is the only Asian Scholar in the Executive Committee of the International Association for Promotion of the Advanced Teaching and Research of Intellectual Property (ATRIP), the Editorial Board of World Intellectual Property Journal, the Expert Advisory Board of Diplo Foundation, and United Nations Network of Experts for Paperless Trade in Asia and the Pacific (UNNExT). She has served as a founding member and then the founding IDN Liaison of the ICANN At-Large Advisory Committee and was appointed on the ICANN President’s Advisory Committee on Internationalized Domain Names. She is one of the founders of the Internet Users Organization in the Asia-Pacific Region and one of the drafters of the At-Large Director Selection Rules and Procedures. She was selected by ALAC to serve on the Board Director Candidate Evaluation Committee. She is the member of the ICANN Nomination Committee and Fellowship Committee. She is the Chair of Council of Chinese Domain Name Users Alliance and found member of Member of Chinese Domain Names Consortium. |