We will publish here fellows of the 6th European Summer School 2012 as soon as they are confirmed.
last update 23 June 2012
Name, country, institution | Academic background / interest |
Mustafa M. Khan, Pakistan Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, Germany ![]() | Academic background: Currently a Graduate fellow at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy pursuing a Master's degree with majors in International Relations, Non-Profit Management and International Political Economy. With over three years of Journalism experience in Oman and an Electronic Engineering degree with specialization in Satellite and Mobile communications from Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute in Pakistan. Schooling completed in Natural sciences in Oman with All India Secondary School Certificate Examinations awarded by the CBSE, New Delhi. Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: Currently a Graduate fellow at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy pursuing a Master's degree with majors in International Relations, Non-Profit Management and International Political Economy. With over three years of Journalism experience in Oman and an Electronic Engineering degree with specialization in Satellite and Mobile communications from Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute in Pakistan. Schooling completed in Natural sciences in Oman with All India Secondary School Certificate Examinations awarded by the CBSE, New Delhi. In my current study, I want to combine public policy development with my undergraduate study- a synthesis of technical insight and policy-making for a multi-lateral and multi-agent governance of the internet. Having worked in the media field in an authoritarian regime with strict censorship laws, I realized the value of internet and the need to keep it free and accessible to all. What started of as a topic for my Public International Law paper about freedom of speech and expression turned into a proper discourse on the need for prioritsing internet in the international jurisprudence field. I have completed a paper for internet and participatory government for the ICEGOV 2012 which is under review and recently organised and participated in a DAAD funded workshop to understand and revise curriculum trends in social media communication studies in the Muslim World. This course would enable me to learn about Internet governance and better my skills to participate and contribute to the larger debate and discourse about egalitarian internet. |
Sathees Babu, India ICFOSS ![]() | Academic background: Post-graduation in Management + 25-plus years of work including 15-plus years in the Development Sector and 12-plus years in the IT Industry Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG:Interested in ICTs in Development. Attended IGFs in 2009 and 2011 (registered for 2010, but couldn't make it). Current job also entails horizon-scanning role in ICTs-in-development discourse. read more at http://icfoss.in/director.html |
Ganeswar Sahoo, India University of Trento and Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies ![]() | Academic background: 2010-2012: Joint Master Degree (M.Sc.) in Innovation Management, University of Trento & Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies 2009-2010: M. A., Economics of Innovation and Local Development, University of Bologna, Italy 2000-2003: Bachelor of Arts (B. A.) in Economics Honors , Utkal University, India Honors and Awards: Graduate Scholarship for master program at University of Trento, Italy in 2010. Invest Your Talent in Italy (IYTI) Fellowship for master program at University of Bologna in 2009. National Scholarship from National Sanskrit Organization, Govt. of India in 2001. Nilamani Memorial Award for College Topper in Intermediate Exam in 2000. Dasharathi Memorial Award on behalf of faculty members for College Topper in IA Exam 2000. District Level High School Merit Scholarship in 1992 Affiliations: - Assistant Facilitator for Europe, University Community Partnership for Social Action Research, (UCP-SARnet), USA. - Member, Commission on Environmental, Economic and Soical Policy, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Switzerland. - Academic Member, Procurement Law Academic Network, University of Nottingham, UK. - Global Member, Internet Society, USA. -Member, American Communication Association, USA. Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I am a techno-savvy person who is always like to pace with new technological innovation. I am more interested to understand the internet governance issues. During my master program, I studied about Business Law, Big Data, Open Data, Intellectual property law, ICT: Business Intelligence and CRM, Decision Support Databases and Business Intelligence, which made me curious to know more about ICT and its governance system. I also recently attended a business summit on “Open Data as a Business Model” in Irish Capital- Dublin and I learnt new tools and methodologies on how data can be used as a business model. As I worked as a SAP Business One Consultant and is now preparing for a career in ICT, this summer school will undoubtedly be a platform to learn internet governance issues and solutions. I am also interested in issues such as ICT governance system, one world one internet, internet and IP protocol, and internet accountability and transparency. I am currently a global member of Internet Society. |
Olga Kudina, Ukraine Institute of international relations, Kiev National aviation University ![]() | Academic background: Ms Kudina works at the Council of Europe Office in Ukraine in the Joint EU-CoE project on “Promotion of the European standards in the Ukrainian media environment”, responsible for the personal data protection component
Miriam Wimmer, Brazil Ministry of Communications - Brazil and University of Brasília ![]() | Academic background: PhD Candidate (2012) at the Faculty of Communication of the University of Brasilia, in the research line dealing with communication policies. Voluntary researcher with the Telecommunications Law Study Group (Getel/UnB), connected to the Law Faculty of the University of Brasilia. Law degree from the State University of Rio de Janeiro, and a Master degree in Public Law from the same university. Specialized in public law, administrative law and regulatory aspects of telecommunications, internet and broadcasting services. Currently, is the Director of Telecommunications and Universal Services at the Brazilian Ministry of Communication. Previously, worked as a legal specialist at Anatel, the Brazilian national telecommunications Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I believe that participation in Euro-SSIG will provide an important opportunity to increase my knowledge on Internet governance, a theme that I have been involved with both from an academic and from a professional standpoint. Academically, I have done research and published papers concerning internet policy. I have also worked as a tutor for courses on IT Law. Professionally, as a representative of the regulatory agency and of the Ministry of Communications, I have been involved in debates with other national administrations concerning internet governance, both bilaterally and multilaterally. In 2010, I was selected as a Brazilian governmental delegate to two international conferences in which internet governance was a big issue: the World Telecommunications Development Conference (WTDC) and the Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-10), both hosted by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). I believe that participation in EuroSSIG will provide a unique learning experience, and I look forward to the chance of debating with experts on the important issues surrounding internet governance today. |
Matthieu Credou, France AFNIC ![]() | Academic background: 1997-2001: Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Rennes, France. 1990-2000: University of Queensland, Australia. In 2001, I majored in Management and Marketing studies. Economics, History, Constitutional Law were also subjects studied as part of the required curriculum. I participated in an International Student Program in Australia and mainly focused on Asian Studies and Marketing during that time. Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: In 2007, I started working on a new gTLD project, based in Brittany, France, namely .bzh. I participated in my first ICANN meeting in L.A (ICANN 30). I since invested myself in ICANN new gTLD process and developped a keen interest for the Marketing best practices of the domain name industry and the global issue of the Internet Governance. Euro-SSIG offers a unique opportunity to share visions on the latter topic. The curriculum Euro-SSIG covers will help improve my understanding of key issues, which concern me as a professional as well as a citizen and Internet user. I have joined AFNIC in 2011 and I am currently involved in both ccTLD and gTLD worlds. The topic of TLD managements is therefore a specific subject of personal interest. Euro-SSIG has come highly recommended by former alumni, as an exciting, mind broadening and very instructive progam. I look forward having a chance to be part of this 2012 course. |
Freddy Linares, Peru![]() | Academic background: Lic.Business Lic. Accounting Master (c) of IT Governance Graduate from the ISOC's Next Generation Leaders Programme - NGL Laureate Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: Since I finished the university I worked in projects related to the use of Internet for educational and economical purposes. I believe that Internet is a key tool to allow people to find new opportunities and have well-informed individuals I want to participate in this programme because the agenda is highly motivating, the knowledge is always in evolution and my contribution to the projects I am involved could be better with this kind of world-class training. |
Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Malaysia National University of Singapore ![]() | Academic background: Bachelor's Degree in Political Science, Princeton University, USA. Master's Degree in Public Policy, Harvard University, USA. Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: The Euro-SSIG will help me understand better the larger ecosystem of Internet Governance, which will support my participation in ICANN as an At-Large Advisory Committee member. Moreover, the experience will also enhance my research work as I am currently pursuing a PhD in Public Policy with a specific focus on Internet governance and policies. |
Iliya Bazlyankov, Bulgaria UNICART ![]() | Academic background: I attended the Spanish Secondary School “Miguel de Cervantes” in 2001-2006. Currently I am finishing studies for Master of Law in Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, attending since 2006 with an expected final date in late 2012. My interest in Law is mainly in Internet domain and trademark issues. Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I am interested in Internet governance issues since early 2007, when through UNINET Association we launched a local IDN ccTLD test-bed and reviewed a lot of different policies, scenarios and best practices for IDN ccTLD management. My current position at UNICART is CIO, and I am responsible for managing the domain registrar business unit - Regia.bg I was appointed as a board chairman of Association UNINET since 2007, and reappointed in 2010 for a second three-year term. We have successfully organized the first Bulgarian domain event - "Domain forum" in 2011 and participated in ICANN and other meetings. I also serve as member of the executive committee of CORE Association since 2011. I have participated in various ICANN working groups, mainly GNSO PPSC Working Group work team, (2009-2011); Cyrillic team of IDN Variant Issues Project (2011) and ccNSO Study Group on Use of Names for Countries and Territories, (2011-Present). |
Hadja Ouattara-Sanon, Burkina Faso![]() | Academic background: I am a student in Master II Network Computing and Multimedia at IST (Institut Supérieure de Technologies) in collaboration with CIESA (Centre International d'Etudes Supérieures Appliquées) d'Edmundston, Nouveau Brunswick, Canada. Edmundston, New Brunswick, Canada. Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I represent my ALS (At large structure) within ALAC (ICANN). I often attend ALAC meetings . This is a wonderfull ocasion for me to attend this summer school to deepen my knowledge on Internet governance and stakeholder process. |
Constance Weise, France International Chamber of Commerce ![]() | Academic background: Ms Weise holds a Master degree in European Studies from the University of Bath, UK, and a Bachelor degree in Business Studies and French from the University of Birmingham, UK. In the realm of her degrees, Ms Weise also read at Sorbonne University Paris, Charles University Prague and Sciences Po Paris. Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: Working in ICC's Commission on the Digital Economy, ICT issues and Internet governance are recurring themes. On behalf of ICC's global business outreach, I have also been able to contribute to these topics in practice, eg at the IGF 2011 in Nairobi. I would now like to get a deeper insight into Internet governance from an academic perspective, and appreciate the European Summer School of Internet Governance allows for this unique opportunity through its variety of practitioners drawn from IG related organisations. |
James Lawson, France Council of Europe ![]() | Academic background: I have a Masters in General Linguistics from Strasbourg University (1982) Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: After working for many years designing and developing IT systems for human rights work in both the intergovernmental and civil society sectors. I recently decided on a career change and joined the Information Society Unit of the Council of Europe. This course should help me fill in the dots between sometimes fragmented knoweldge of IG issues. |
Redona Kajmaku, Albania Polytechnic University of Tirana ![]() | Academic background: I am a student at the Polytechnic University of Tirana. I have already finished my third year of Bachelor studies in Computer Science, and I'll graduate in September. Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: Further on, after my graduation I am planning to continue a Master Program in Computer Networks. And as Internet is a network of networks, gaining knowledge about it's governance would help me to understand more about the way how it is constructed and the way it functions. And above all I think it would help me to gain more knowledge about Internet Security. This is a very serious threat all over the world, and it has become a big problem even in Albania lately. But what makes it even a bigger problem in Albania is the fact that we don't have professionals specialized in this field. So maybe the information that I would get by being part of this experience, might be very helpful to my country as well as to me. |
Serge Fundi Etelembongo, DR Congo Action de Sensibilisation sur les nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication "ASNTIC" ![]() | Academic background:
Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I'm working in ASNTIC organization, a Civil Society Organization working for reduce digital divide in DRCongo and around the Africa Region, I'm stakeholder in Internet Governance Forum (IGF) and in World Summit Information Society through ITU, so European Summer School on Internet Governance (Euro-SSIG) will help me to understand build my capacity / knowledge about internet Governance and to get a comprehensive and structured knowledge on the various aspects of Internet Governance. Also it will be for me an occasion to meet other Internet Governance stakeholder and to make relation/cooperation and to imagine with them the way to build a better world through Internet technology. After Euro-SSIG, i will organize a workshop at my country (DRCongo) to share with other ICT Stakeholder all experiences and knowledge I have gained during Euro-SSIG |
Hadji Mmadi Ali, Comores Comores Telecom ![]() | Academic background: I spent my undergraduate General Series D private school to modern Moroni (Comoros) in 1995. Registration for the first year at the Faculty of Science and Technical University of Ouagadougou in 1995-1996 and the Faculty of Economics at the University of Ouagadougou in 1996-1997. I graduated at the Higher Institute of Information Systems (ISIG) in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) a Higher technical diploma (DTS) in software engineering and an engineering degree in computer work (ITI) computer engineering Technology (1998-2001). Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I am interested to participate in Euro-SSIG to promote the Internet in the Comoros. The internet being mixed in the Comoros, this will allow me not only to share the experience with the participants, but also acquire specialized training on the proper management and governance of the Internet. |
Ann-Cathrin Marcussen, Norway UNINETT Norid ![]() | Academic background: Lawyer from University of Oslo, Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: Since 15.01.2012 I am working as a lawyer in the Norwegian registry Norid under ms. Annebeth Lange, and I would be pleased to join the summer-school of 2012 in order to learn more about Internet governance. |
Adamou Iro, Niger Autorite de Regulation Multisectorielle ![]() | Academic background:
Samvel Martirosyan, Armenia Media Education Center ![]() | Academic background: I have Master degree in Mathematics. Associated information security analyst in "Noravank" foundation. Lecturer in Yerevan State University, Yerevan State Linguistic University, Caucasus Institute. Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I am working in several fields related with Internet Governance and I think at the moment it is one of the main directions for reforming Armenian society. |
Malebogo Khanda, Botswana Botho College and Botswana Information technology Society ![]() | Academic background: Computer Science Degree, and Post graduate diploma in education for computer studies. Currently enrolled in New Venture Creation programme of 6 months from March - August 2012 Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: Internet governance is barely recognised as a working force to developing the exploitation of internert services and its providers. In developing countries, the use of internet is still largely growing, and with the right and relevant information to help both the community and computer societies within an entity, i realise the need to enroll on such a programme. |
Kanza Rehman, Pakistan International Islamic University ![]() | Academic background: I have completed my Higher Secondary School Certificate (equivalent to A-levels) in Computer Science, Economis and Mathematics. Currently, I am in last year of BSc. Honors with specialization in economics and finance. Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I started using internet when I was in my early teens. Since then I had a curiosity about how Internet is making our lives easier and giving us global facilities at our homes and workplaces. This curiosity led me towards learning more about Internet and the concept of Internet governance. During my bachelor's degree, the main areas of my research interest have been internet banking and e-commerce. As a part of my semester projects, I carried out detailed studies on economic basket of the Internet Governance and the economic model of Internet practiced in Pakistan. I am very keen to participate in Euro SSIG and learn more about different areas of Internet Governance mainly including those covering technical, socio-economic and developmental aspects of IG. As I am a student of Economics and Finance, therefore, I hope I shall be able to share my knowledge regarding the economic aspects of IG with my fellow attendees at Euro SSIG. I also plan to impart the knowledge and experience gained at the Euro SSIG to my fellow students and researchers in my university in Pakistan. I am positive that after attending this course, I shall be able to make an important and much awaited initiative towards awareness about IG issues in academia in my home country. |
Felix Ndayirukiye, Burundi CNI sa/BI NIC ![]() | Academic background: I am graduated in physical sciences at the polytechnic department of Burundi University. After that I followed studies of master in management information at the same department and university. Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I am involved in internet penetration in my country for several of years. Was acting as CTO at CBINET the first internet provider in Burundi, now i am heading the CNI (Centre National de l'Informatique) which is managing the BI ccTLD. I am acting as the technical contact. The topics which will be covered at Euro-SSIG 2012 are interesting for me mainly those regarding the governance, the domain name business and the ccTLD management and best practices. The participation to this program will be an value-added to me, for my institution and for the local community |
Biljana Glisovic Milic, Serbia DiploFoundation ![]() | Academic background: ITU Academy
Gabriel Dacko Goudjo, Cameroon Internet Society Cameroon Chapter ![]() | Academic background:
Sylwia Rudnik, Poland ISOC Poland ![]() | Academic background: Social Psychologist, HCI and User Experience researcher Graduate of Warsaw School of Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities, since ever interested in computer-mediated- versus face-to-face communication aspects. Working at the Laboratory of Interactive Technologies, Information Processing Institute (research and development unit). Took part in a series of international ICT, e-learning and localization projects. Organized ICT conferences and workshops in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as in Asia. Founding and active member of ISOC Poland, with a strong bond with NGO, both Polish and international sector. Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I observe the political scene in Poland and the processes of establishing internet law, also how the new regulations are being introduced to the general public. I hope that thanks to the Euro-SSIG school I will learn about all the stakeholders that are involved in internet governance, what they roles are and what their task could be, so that the process is beneficial to all its parties, and what it takes to lead the process in a smooth and successful atmosphere of communication. |
Jiri Prusa, Czech Republic CZ.NIC ![]() | Academic background:
Towela Jere, South Africa NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency ![]() | Academic background: I am an electrical engineer by training (telecommunications and networking). My first degree is from the University of Malawi while my MSc and PhD are from the University of Kansas. Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I am interested in developing Internet Governance programs in Africa, as through my work with NEPAD I have noticed that there is a gap in skills, awareness and participation in Internet Governance activities in Africa. I have heard a lot about the Euro-SSIG and would want to obtain first-hand experience with a view to transferring that knowledge and experience to Africa. |
Yuanyuan Guan, China Saarbrücken University, Germany ![]() | Academic background: