Faculty 2014

as of 24 July 2014

Fiona M. Alexander

National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA)
Fiona M. Alexander
Ms. Fiona M. Alexander is the Associate Administrator (Head of Office) for the Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA) Office of International Affairs (OIA). NTIA serves as the principal policy advisor to the President on communications and information policy matters as well as the federal radio frequency spectrum manager. OIA advocates U.S. policy perspectives in a variety of international fora including, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (ITSO), the International Mobile Satellite Organization (IMSO), the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Telecommunications Working Group (APEC TEL) and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Ms. Alexander was NTIA’s lead negotiator for issues related to Internet Governance in the context of the UN World Summit on the Information Society, ITU Plenipotentiary, Development and Standardization conferences from 2000 – 2008 and in preparations for the OECD Ministerial on the Future of the Internet Economy. In her role as Associate Administrator she oversees and manages NTIA's activities related to the continued transition of the technical coordination of the Internet's domain name and addressing system (DNS) to the private sector as well as NTIA’s involvement in international ICT bilateral and multilateral discussions.

Prior joining NTIA, Ms. Alexander was a Senior Consultant at Booz, Allen & Hamilton. She has a Masters Degree in International Relations from American University, Washington, D.C.
Wolfgang Benedeck

Institut of International Law and International relations, University of Graz
Wolfgang Benedek is Director of the Institute of International Law and International Relations of the University of Graz, Austria and of the European Training and Research Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Graz (ETC); Chairman of the Austrian Committee of World University Service (WUS) Austria; Since 2003 he has coordinated several research projects in the field of Internet Governance and the role of human rights in the information society which have resulted in two books, i.e. Benedek/Pekari (ed.), Menschenrechte in der Informationsgesellschaft (2007) and Benedek/Bauer/Kettemann (ed.), Internet Governance and the Information Society (2008) and several other publications. He is also involved in internet literacy of school teachers and internet education at university level and presently works with a team of experts for the Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights and Principles to elaborate a Charter of Human Rights and Principles on the Internet.
Olivier Crépin-Leblond

Olivier Crepin-Leblond
Dr. Olivier M.J. Crépin-Leblond is a French national who has been an Internet user since 1988. He received a B.Eng. Honours degree in Computer Systems and Electronics from King’s College, London, UK, in 1990, a Ph.D. in Digital Communications from Imperial College, London, UK, in 1997, and a Specialized Masters Degree in Competitive Intelligence and Knowledge Management from SKEMA Business School (ESC Lille & CERAM) in Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France, in 2007. Having founded Global Information Highway Ltd in 1995, he took part in many internet projects, several of which enabled Internet connectivity in developing countries. Whilst attending all ICANN conferences in person since the Paris (June 2008) meeting, he has taken a keen interest in supporting ICANN’s At-Large community. He was selected to be on the 2010 ICANN Nominating Committee (NomCom) and was Secretary of ICANN’s European At-Large Organisation (EURALO) from June 2010 until March 2011. He was selected as Chairman of ICANN’s At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC), at ICANN’s Cartagena, Colombia meeting in December 2010, a yearly term renewed at ICANN’s Annual General Meeting in Dakar, Senegal in October 2011 and again in Toronto in October 2012 (this time for a 2 year term). Through serving the At-Large Community, he has gained a unique practical experience in an perational multi-stakeholder policy-making environment, finding and building consensus at grassroots level. In March 2013 he was selected to sit on the second ICANN Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT2). He was recently invited to speak in the United Kingdom, Sweden (EuroDIG Stockholm), several universities in Southern India (on matters of IPv6, Internet History and Core Values) as well as teaching at the Summer School on Internet Governance in Meissen, Germany (Multi-stakeholder Governance) and taking part in the third Ukrainian IGF in Kyiv on behalf of the Council of Europe and the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in November 2012. In December 2012 he was part of the United Kingdom delegation to the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT-12) in Dubai. Whilst Chairman of the English Chapter of the Internet Society (ISOC) since March 2012, he is also a Member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and a Network Startup Resource Center (NSRC) affiliate since the early nineties.
Full details available on: http://www.gih.com/ocl.html
Bertrand de la Chapelle

International Diplomatic Academy

Bertrand de la Chapelle is Director of the Internet & Jurisdiction Project at the International Diplomatic Academy in Paris and a Director on the ICANN Board since 2010. From 2006 to 2010, he was France’s Thematic Ambassador and Special Envoy for the Information Society, participating in all WSIS follow-up activities and Internet governance processes, including in particular the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), and was a Vice-Chair of ICANN’s Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC). Between 2002 and 2005, he actively participated in the World Summit on the Information society (WSIS) to promote dialogue among civil society, private sector and governments, including as Director of the collaborative platform WSIS-online. An engineer, diplomat and civil society actor, he also has nine years of private sector experience, including as co-founder and President of Virtools, now a subsidiary of Dassault Systèmes. Bertrand de LA CHAPELLE is a graduate of Ecole Polytechnique (1978), Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (1983) and Ecole Nationale d’Administration (1986).

Avri Doria

VP Policy & Governance, dotgay LLC
Ms. Doria, is an research consultant working on Internet Architectures and Governance. She has been active in Internet Governance for the past 7 years, is chair of the ICANN Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG) Executive Committee, was chair of the ICANN GNSO council, was an active participant in WSIS and post WSIS civil society, is a past chair of the Civil Society Internet Governance Caucus and was a member of the UN Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG). Ms. Doria spent 5 years as a member of the IGF Secretariat. She currently serves as a volunteer research associate for the Association for Progressive Communications (APC). As a technologist she has been involved in the development of Internet protocols and architectures for over 30 years, is an active participant in the IETF, and past chair of the IRTF Routing Research Group. Her technical research involves methods of bringing the Internet into Communications Challenged Communities, whether due to remoteness or politics, using Delay/Disruption Tolerant Network (DTN) architecture/protocols.Ms. Doria has a BA from the University of Rhode Island, one MA from the University of Chicago in Philosophy and one MA from Rhode Island College in Counseling Psychology. Further information can be found at:
William J. Drake

University of Zürich, Switzerland
William J. Drake is an International Fellow and Lecturer in the Media Change and Innovation Division of the Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research at the University of Zurich, where he teaches courses on Global Internet Governance, The Changing NetWorld Order, The Internet and World Politics, and the Internet and Social Change. He is also the Chair of Noncommercial Users Constituency and a member of the Board of Directors of the European At Large Organization in the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN); a member of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group of the UN’s Internet Governance Forum; a member of the multistakeholder 1Net coalition’s Steering Committee; a faculty member of the European and South Schools on Internet Governance; and an Affiliated Researcher at the Institute for Tele-Information at Columbia University. Previous positions held include, inter alia: Senior Associate of the Centre for International Governance at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva; President and member of the Board of Directors, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility; Senior Associate and Director of the Project on the Information Revolution and World Politics at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; founding Associate Director of the Communication, Culture and Technology Program at Georgetown University; Assistant Professor of Communication at the University of California, San Diego; and adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies, and at Georgetown University’s School of Business. Previous activities include, inter alia, co-editor of the MIT Press book series, The Information Revolution and Global Politics; two-term member of the Council of the Generic Names Supporting Organization in ICANN; advisor to the high-level Panel on Global Internet Cooperation and Governance Mechanisms; member of the United Nations Working Group on Internet Governance; Vice-chairperson and founding Steering Committee member of the Global Internet Governance Academic Network; member of the Group of High-Level Advisors of the United Nations’ Global Alliance for ICT and Development; member of Working Group 1 under the UN Information and Communication Technologies Task Force; member of the Social Science Research Council’s Research Network on IT Governance and Transnational Civil Society; and member of the World Economic Forum’s Task Force on the Global Digital Divide. Drake received his M.A., M.Phil, and Ph.D. in Political Science from Columbia University. Some of his publications include: Editor, Internet Governance: Creating Opportunities for All---The Fourth Internet Governance Forum (United Nations, 2010); Co-Editor, Governing Global Electronic Networks: International Perspectives on Policy and Power (MIT Press, 2008); Editor, Reforming Internet Governance: Perspectives from the UN Working Group on Internet Governance (United Nations, 2005); and Editor, The New Information Infrastructure: Strategies for US Policy (Century Foundation, 1995). www.williamdrake.org [bio] and http://uzh.academia.edu/WilliamDrake [publications]
Keith Drazek

Keith Drazek
Keith Drazek is Director of Policy at Verisign, Inc., operator of the .COM and .NET domain name registries and two of the world's 13 Internet root servers. Keith has been active in the ICANN community for more than a decade, including in his current role as Chair of ICANN’s GNSO Registry Stakeholder Group. Prior to joining Verisign in June 2010, he worked for ten years at the U.S. Department of State, and ten years in the domain name industry - 2 years at a registrar and 8 years at a registry. His experience in the domain name industry includes business development, channel management, government relations, external affairs, and Internet policy development. He studied International Relations at George Washington University in Washington, DC.

Hartmut Glaser

  • 1968/1972 - Researcher at Van de Graaff Laboratory at Institute
    of Physics/USP (University of São Paulo)
  • 1972/1990 - Researcher at Microelectronics Laboratory -
    Escola Politécnica - USP
  • 1989/1993 - Special Adviser to the Director (Dean) -
    Escola Politécnica – USP
  • 1994/1996 - Special Adviser to the Rector of University
    São Paulo
  • 1996/2004 - Special Adviser to the President of FAPESP (Foundation for Reseach Support of the State of São Paulo)
  • 1996/2002 - Coordinator of the Academic Network/ANSP at the
    State of São Paulo
  • 1996/2009 - CEO of the Brazilian Internet Steering
    Committee - CGI.br/NIC.br
Philipp Grabensee

Afilias Ltd.phgr
Philipp Grabensee is Chairman of the Board of Afilias Ltd. Since 2003 and was Member of the Names Council of ICANNs Domain Name Supporting Organisation (DNSO). He studied law and philosophy at the Free University Berlin and the Rheinischen-Friedrich-Wilhelms-University in Bonn. He is an attorney with SHSG in Düsseldorf.
Ayesha Hassan

Internet Societyhassan
Ms. Hassan is Senior Director, Stakeholder Engagement at Internet Society, responsible for optimizing the Internet Society’s relationships with key stakeholders in the future of the Internet, and facilitating their engagement to ensure an Internet that is open, global, and accessible to all and driven by multistakeholder processes. Former Senior Policy Manager for the Digital Economy, Executive in charge of ICT policy ICC International Secretariat, Paris. Ayesha Hassan managed ICC's Commission on the Digital Economy and was in charge of ICC’s initiative, Business Action to Support the Information Society (BASIS). She managed the Coordinating Committee of Business Interlocutors (CCBI), a vehicle mobilizing and coordinating the involvement of the worldwide business community in the process leading to the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Summits of 2003 and 2005. In 2004 Ms Hassan accepted the UN Secretary General’s invitation to participate in his Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG). She also served on the UN Secretary General’s Task Force on Financial Mechanisms, and served on the multistakeholder advisory group for the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) from 2006 to 2013. She has represented ICC on numerous occasions, participating and making presentations at international and regional events including the G8 Dot Force and the UN ICT Task Force, OECD, WTO, ITU Telecoms and the EU Commission. Ms. Hassan is an experienced lawyer, and has a background in dispute resolution, international policy, and e-commerce issues. She is former head of online dispute resolution services at SquareTrade. Ms. Hassan obtained her undergraduate degree from the University of Chicago in Political Science, law degree from the University of San Diego, and a masters degree in international policy studies from Stanford University.
Nigel Hickson

Nigel Hickson
Nigel Hickson works out of the Brussels office for the Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) team. As such, he leads on coordination with institutions (such as the European Union; OECD and ITU); governments and other significant Community members. Nigel joined ICANN after working for the UK government, where he served in a number of capacities, for just fewer than 30 years. Latterly, he had been responsible for a team dealing with international ICT issues; including Internet Governance.
Sandra Hoferichter

Medienstadt Leipzig e.V / Netcom Institute
Sandra Hoferichter is project manager at Medienstadt Leipzig e.V., a recognized At Large Structure under ICANN Bylaws. She became involved in the Internet Governance process during the ICA-IAMCR Expert Meeting in Rathen/Germany in July 2006 which paved the way for the establishment of the “Global Internet Governance Academic Network” (GIGANET) and initiated the establishment of Summer Schools in Internet Governance (SSIG). Since 2007 she coordinates the European Summer School on Internet Governance (Euro-SSIG), which takes place every year in Meissen / Germany. Besides this she works as the administrative coordinator of the European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG), the European IGF. Other projects she manages are ICANN-Studienkreis and various Internet conferences, including an EURO-NF Expert Meeting on the “Governance and Privacy Dimension of the Internet of Things” (Leipzig, I +II). Since Dez 2010 she is EURALO elected representative in ICANN´s At Large Advisory Committee. Sandra holds a degree in Architecture of the Academy of Technique, Culture, and Business of Leipzig (HTWK).
Marco Hogewoning

Marco Hogewoning

Marco Hogewoning is External Relations Officer - Technical Advisor with the RIPE NCC. As part of the External Relations team, he helps lead the RIPE NCC's engagement with membership, the RIPE community, government, law enforcement and other Internet stakeholders.
Marco joined the RIPE NCC in 2011, working for two years in the Training Services team. Prior to joining the RIPE NCC, he worked as a Network Engineer for various Dutch Internet Service Providers. As well as designing and operating the networks, he was also involved in running the Local Internet Registries. Marco has been involved with the RIPE community since 2001 and was involved with various policy proposals over that period. In February 2010, he was appointed by the RIPE community as one of the RIPE IPv6 Working Group Co-Chairs.
Ole Jacobsen

Editor and Publisher
Ole Jacobsen

Ole J. Jacobsen is the Editor and Publisher of The Internet Protocol Journal (IPJ), a quarterly technical publication for Internet and Intranet Professionals which was published by Cisco Systems from 1998 to 2013 and is now being relaunched with support from the Internet Society and a number of corporate and private sponsors. http://protocoljournal.org) Ole has been active in the computer networking field since 1976 when he went to work for the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, an early ARPANET site. Ole was with Interop Company since shortly after its formation in 1987 until 1998. He was the Editor and Publisher of ConneXions--The Interoperability Report, a monthly technical journal in the field of computer-communications, published by Interop Company. Jacobsen holds a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and Computing Science from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, England. He serves on the board of the Asia Pacific Internet Association (APIA), which hosts the annual APRICOT conference. Ole has served four terms on the ICANN nominations committee, as well as many terms on the IETF nominations committee. Ole was a member of the IETF Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC) from 2008 until 2014. Ole organizes pipe organ demonstrations and concerts (http://www.organdemo.info)at technical meetings such as the IETF, RIPE, CEEnet, APNIC, and ICANN meetings.
Wolfgang Kleinwächter

University of Aarhus, Chair of the Faculty of the EuroSSIGjowok
Professor for Internet Policy and Regulation, Department for Media and Information Sciences, University of Aarhus. Previous Academic Teaching includes University of Tampere, School of International Services, American University, Washington, D.C, Halle University, University of Moscow, University of Oerebro and Heilbronn Business School. 1994 to 1998 Chairman Inter-Regional Information Society Initiative (IRISI) of the European Commission in Brussels and Coordinater Saxonian Information Initiative (SII). Member of the Board Medienstadt Leipzig e.V., a recognized ICANN At Large Structure (ALS). Involved in Internet Governance since 1997. Member ICANN´s Membership Implementation Task Force (MITF/2000), ICANNs Interim At-Large Group (2001/2002), ICANN´s Nomination Committee (NomCom/2005/2008), WSIS Civil Society Bureau (2002/2005) and Panel of High Level Advisers of the Global Alliance for ICT & Development (GAID). Co-founder and chair "Internet Governance Caucus" (IGC/2002-2003). 2004 appointed by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan as a member of the UN Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG). Since 2005 Special Adviser to the Chair of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). His research is documented in more than 100 international publications, including five books. Recent articles has been published in Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review, Development, info and Telecommunication Policy. He serves/ed in advisory boards of Transnational Data and Communication Report, Computer Law and Security Report, The Journal of Media Law and Practice, Communication Law and Gazette. Member of Programme Committee for INET 2002. Co-founder Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GIGANET), Internet Governance Summer School (SSIG) and ICANN-Studienkreis. Member International Council of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) where he co-chairs the Law Section.
Dirk Krischenowski

Dirk Krischenowski is from the city of Berlin in Germany. He joint the ICANN process coming from the life science industry. Since 1999 he has been involved in Internet and domains by setting up generic domain disease portals for health portals and the industry. He also managed large domain portfolios for large pharmaceutical companies. In 2004 Dirk initiated with .berlin (dotberlin) a meanwhile global movement towards city-top-level-domains (cityTLDs), world cities like New York, Paris, Tokyo and Barcelona followed his example with own cityTLD initiatives. He is also spokesperson of the cityTLD interest group which aims to become accredited as constituency at ICANN. Furthermore Dirk is partner at DOTZON, consulting companies in acquiring a .brand top-level-domain.
Annebeth Lange

Annebeth Lange
Annebeth B. Lange is from Oslo, Norway. She is a lawyer and has been working with Internet Law since 2000, after having written her theses on intellectual property law under professor Jon Bing at the Norwegian Research Centre of Computers and Law (NRCCL) at University of Oslo. She was first involved with Internet Governance in 2000 as the Norwegian representative in WSIS and ICANN Governmental Advisory Committee. Since 2007 she has been the head of the legal and policy department of Norid, the Norwegian Registry for Internet Domain Names. She has been a member of the CENTR Board, the NRCCL and the Norwegian Law Association Education Committee. She is an active participant in the Internet Community, responsible for contact with public authorities and universities, heading legal work and development of the name policy of .no and leading the Norwegian ADR, the Domain Complaint Board. She is Norid’s representative in ICANN through ccNSO, participating in CENTR , IGF and other international organizations.
John Laprise

University of QuatarJohn Laprise
John Laprise, PhD, studies the history of cyberwarfare and US policy beginning with its Cold War origins in the 1970s. His work focuses on how the White House’s use of computers and information technology shapes US national security policy. He has received research grants from the Rockefeller Archive Center and the Hagley Museum and Library. He has been a visiting academic at the Oxford Internet Institute. He is currently working on a book chronicling the dawn of the computer era in the White House. Additionally, he has extensive consulting experience in the telecommunications and higher education sectors and works with ictQATAR on a number of ongoing national projects. Laprise received his BA in history and religion as well as a BPhil in interdisciplinary studies from Miami University (Ohio), an MA in war studies from King’s College London, and a PhD in media, technology, and society from Northwestern University. He also received his certificate in Arabic language from the Arabic Language Institute at the American University in Cairo.
Peter Major

UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD)Peter Major
Peter Major has been working at the Radiocommunication Bureau (BR) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) for 23 years. He was the focal point of the BR for internet governance. Presently he is vice-chairman of the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD). He has chaired the CSTD Working Group on Improvements to the IGF. He is co-coordinator of the Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability (DCAD) and was involved as panelist in workshops organized by DCAD and the ITU in IGF-s in Hyderabad, Sharm el Sheik, Vilnius and Nairobi. He actively participated in the preparation of these events attending the Open Consultations and working with Multi-stakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) members in shaping the programs of the IGFs. He has been nominated as member of the MAG in 2012.

Peter is vice-chairman of the Radiocommunication Advisory Group of the ITU and he is chairman of the Correspondence Group on BR Information Systems.
Milton Mueller

University of Syracusemueller
Milton Mueller is Professor at Syracuse University School of Information Studies, USA, and also XS4All Professor at the Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. Mueller received the Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1989. He was one of the founders of the Internet Governance Project, an alliance of scholars in action around global Internet policy issues. Dr. Mueller’s research focuses on property rights, institutions and global governance in communication and information industries. His book Ruling the Root: Internet Governance and the Taming of Cyberspace (MIT Press, 2002) was the first book-length analysis of the political and economic forces leading to the creation of ICANN. He is currently working on a book about Internet governance in the post-World Summit on the Information Society environment: Networks and. Nation-States: The Global Politics of Internet Governance.
Thomas Rickert

German association for the Internet economy (eco)
Thomas Rickert
Thomas Rickert ist managing director of Schollmeyer & Rickert Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH with offices in Bonn and Frankfurt am Main, Germany (www.anwaelte.de). He specializes in IT-law and domain-related legal aspects in particular. Thomas is also Director Names & Numbers with eco Verband der deutschen Internetwirtschaft e.V. (www.eco.de) where he chairs the eco Names & Numbers Forum, a platform for registrars, registries, resellers and other companies active in the area of the Domain Name System (DNS). Since 1998, Thomas has been involved in various national and international projects in the area of Internet safety and security. He was instrumental in establishing a hotline in Germany taking reports about illegal use or content on the internet and was president of the Inhope Association (www.inhope.org) from 2002 to 2005. Inhope is the global umbrella organisation of hotlines fighting illegal content on the Internet, primarily child abusive material.
Leonid Todorov

Coordiantion Center for ccTLD .ru
Leonid Todorov
Leonid Todorov earned his MA in linguistics from Moscow State Pedagogical University and BA in business administration from the University of Copenhagen. For more than a decade Leonid has been executive assistant to the late Prime-Minister Yegor Gaidar, the principal architect of the Russian reforms and in that capacity acquired expertise in the government relations area. After joining ccTLD .RU as head of Government Relations, Leonid focuses on research into Internet Governance and interacts with the RF Ministry of Telecommunication and Mass Media on this and an array of other issues. Since the last fall he has been engaged in the WSOP group’s activities and contributed to a draft proposal on improvement of the ICANN’s performance in this area. Leonid is also a member of the Research Advisory Network under the Global Commission on Internet Governance (aka the Bildt Commission).
Beate Schulz

Beate Schulz
Beate Schulz studied Economics at the University of Frankfurt, focussing on the subjects of marketing and commerce. After graduating she worked in various marketing functions in the high-tech products and consumer goods industries. When she joined DENIC eG, the central registry for .de domains organized as a cooperative, in October 2009, she could further look back on several years of freelance experience in the PR field. At DENIC, she is a member of the Public Relations Team. Her special field of responsibility is the communication with the DENIC members. She further manages the online communication with the general public and keeps the DENIC website up-to-date. On top of that she is the creative mind that is responsible for the look and feel of the DENIC publications.
Claudia Selli

Claudia Selli
Claudia Selli is the European Affairs Director of AT&T International External & Regulatory Affairs. Her main task is to advocate AT&T positions in Brussels towards the European institutions as well as in other European Member States and particularly in Germany. Prior to joining AT&T, Claudia Selli worked at the European Commission, DG Information Society where she actively took part in the negotiations with the European Parliament on several telecom files such as Roaming I and II, Safer Use of the Internet, the reform of the Europe’s telecom regulatory framework, the Audiovisual Media Service Directive etc. In the past she also worked in the European Parliament. Claudia holds a master in International Politics from the ULB University and graduated at “La Tuscia University” in Viterbo, Italy.
Claudia was born in Rome on 13 March 1976. AT&T is a premier global communications company, providing wholesale services to over 220 countries and territories, and providing enterprise services to over 97 percent of the world’s economy.
Thomas Tammegger

Thomas Tammegger
Thomas Tammegger has been working for EURid, the Brussels-based registry for the .eu Top Level Domain, since 2005. He currently holds the position of External Relations Deputy manager and is in charge of coordinating the help-desk relations and operations at EURid. Thomas studied law at the universities of Graz and Vienna, Austria and Leuven, Belgium."
Tatiana Tropina

Max-Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law
Tatiana Tropina
Dr. Tatiana Tropina is a Senior Researcher at Max-Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law (Freiburg, Germany). Her current areas of research include international standards to fight cybercrime, comparative analysis of cybercrime legislation, self- and co-regulation, public private partnerships in addressing cybersecurity issues, and the multi-stakeholder approach to fighting cybercrime. Her background includes both academic and practical experience. Tatiana has more than 10 years of involvement in cybercrime research, starting in Russia in 2002, where she became the first Russian researcher to defend a PhD thesis on cybercrime (2005). From 2002 to 2009 she was responsible for cybercrime projects at the regional subdivision of the Transnational Crime and Corruption Centre (George Mason University, USA) in Vladivostok, Russia. At the same time, from 2003 to 2008, she worked full-time as a lawyer and then as head of legal department for a number of telecommunication companies. In 2008 Tatiana won the British Chevening Scholarship to study telecommunications management at the Business School of Strathclyde University, Glasgow. In 2009 she was awarded a German Chancellor Fellowship (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation) and moved to Germany to pursue her project on legal frameworks for cybercrime. Since 2009 Tatiana has been involved in both legal research and various applied cybercrime projects on the international level. These activity includes such projects drafting model legislation on interception of communication for the Caribbean states and adapting it via stakeholder consultations (ITU-EU project, 2010), carrying out a cybercrime study for the Global Symposium of Regulators (ITU, 2010), and her recent involvement as a consultant in the UNODC Comprehensive Cybercrime Study (2012-20130, where she was participating in the comparative analysis of the legal frameworks of about 100 UN member states and drafting chapters on substantive national law and procedural instruments for the study. She has 28 publications, including a monograph on cybercrime.

Hong Xue

Institute for Internet Law, Beijing Normal Universityxue
Dr. Hong Xue is a Professor of Law and the Director of the Institute for the Internet Policy & Law at Beijing Normal University (BNU). Before joining BNU, she was the associate professor of Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong. Prof. Xue specializes in intellectual property law, information technology law and the Internet governance. Prof. Xue is the fellow of Yale Information Society Project. Prof. Xue was elected as one of the Ten Nationally Distinguished Young Jurists by the China Law Society. She works in many governmental and non-governmental organizations. She is the only Asian Scholar in the Executive Committee of the International Association for Promotion of the Advanced Teaching and Research of Intellectual Property (ATRIP), the Editorial Board of World Intellectual Property Journal, the Expert Advisory Board of Diplo Foundation, and United Nations Network of Experts for Paperless Trade in Asia and the Pacific (UNNExT). She has served as a founding member and then the founding IDN Liaison of the ICANN At-Large Advisory Committee and was appointed on the ICANN President’s Advisory Committee on Internationalized Domain Names. She is one of the founders of the Internet Users Organization in the Asia-Pacific Region and one of the drafters of the At-Large Director Selection Rules and Procedures. She was selected by ALAC to serve on the Board Director Candidate Evaluation Committee. She is the member of the ICANN Nomination Committee and Fellowship Committee. She is the Chair of Council of Chinese Domain Name Users Alliance and found member of Member of Chinese Domain Names Consortium.