Fellows 2015

as of 24 July 2015

Alexandrine Gauvin, Canada


Alexandrine Gauvin
Academic background: I completed a masters in international relations from the Université de Montréal in Canada. Following this, I started working in communications in European trade associations in Brussels.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: In January 2015, I started working for CENTR, the European national top level domain names association. I have been strongly recommended to attend the Euro-SSIG by several of our members, including CIRA, the .ca registry, as well as the .se registry. I would certainly benefit from the knowledge shared at the Euro-SSIG and I believe it would greatly help me in my work. As I do not have a background in the domain name industry and only a general knowledge of the EU legislation process, I think that understanding the basics of internet governance will help me get an important and solid base on which to build my expertise, which I will be able to apply to my day-to-day work and provide even better service to our members.
Amalia Oganjanyan, Georgia

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University

Amalia Oganjanyan
Academic background:
  • Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi/ PhD in Mass Communication (On Open Government Concept)
  • Deutsche Welle-Akademie, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg Hochschule, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms- Universität Bonn, Bonn/ M.A. International Media Studies (DW and DAAD Scholarships holder). Average grade: 1.6. Master Thesis Western media on foreign crisis. Balance and conflict-sensitivity in Foreign Reporting on the example of Russia-Georgia War of 08.08.08; (published in 2012, Diplomica Verlag).
  • Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi/ M.A. Social Science. Grade: 2.0. Master Thesis Presence of Georgia in Russian, Armenian and Azerbaijan media.Conditional and unconditional stereotypization
  • Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi/ B.A. Journalism. Grade: 1.0. Project Peculiarities of Investigative Journalism (Conference paper)
Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: Currently I am working on an interdisciplinary and intercultural PhD study exploring the open government (OG) concept within three fields: government relations (GR), mass media communication (i.e. watchdog role) and media law (access to public information/Freedom of Information (FOI) legislation). Moreover, the study compares OG in a country of developed democracy (Germany) with a developing country (Georgia). Within my work I am investigating most significant elements of the open government concept, such as transparency, open data, democracy, e-government. The European Summer School on Internet Governance (Euro-SSIG) deals with the various dimensions of the internet governance, which I find extremely interesting to me and my doctoral thesis. I highly believe that the Euro-SSIG helps me to deepen my knowledge in the governance of the Internet, so that I can pass on to the empirical part of my thesis and check the implications of OG in practice. As to me, I would like to contribute to the school by providing some insights on developments and controversy of e-government in developing countries, such as my homeland Georgia, which might certainly enrich the event and discussions around the topic.
Andreas Musielak,


Andreas Musielak
Academic background: Andreas Musielak is member of the Executive Board of DENIC and in his role as COO he is responsible for the areas Finance and Legal as well as for all Member and End Customer Services. Prior to joining DENIC, he worked three years with WAN-IFRA, the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers. In his role as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) he had global responsibility for Finance, HR, Legal and IT. Andreas Musielak has a degree in Business Administration from the University of Applied Sciences of Darmstadt, Germany, with a focus on finance and marketing.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: In May 2014, I joined DENIC, the registry for .de. As part of the executive board with no profound knowledge (at least prior to DENIC) about the Domain industry I appreciate every opportunity to learn more about this exiting industry. Unfortunately I missed the opportunity last year (2014) to attend the Euro-SSIG. This year I will not miss the opportunity to attend the Euro-SSIG again and I’m looking forward to benefit of the profound knowledge of the various speakers. By the way, many colleagues from other registries strongly recommended to attend the Euro-SSIG. This was another reason which encouraged me to register for this year’s Euro-SSIG.
Anna Loup,
United States of America

The University of Southern California

Anna Loup
Academic background: I am just finishing my first year in the University of Southern California's Public Diplomacy Masters program and interning at the Los Angeles hub of ICANN. I graduated with my BA in International Affairs and Women's Studies from the George Washington University in 2014 with a focus on the intersection of gender, diaspora, and internet access.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: Since my time at ICANN began in December 2014, I have wanted to have the opportunity to partake in an academic discussion about internet governance and the multistakeholder model. As a student of public diplomacy, the conversation about how internet governance is connected to the communication between governments and publics is lacking within the discipline. As I go forward with my research into the development of greater theories of public diplomacy within digital spaces, the information and conversations that I will have access to at Euro-SSIG will provide me with a strong structure on which to develop.
Benoit Ampeau,


Benoit Ampeau
Academic background:
  • Engineering school in Information Systems and Management
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
  • Currenlty Business Integrator, in charge of business applications at Afnic.
  • I am also proactive in administrative working group of European country code TLD organisation / CENTR.
Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I follow for several years the Internet Governance topics, from a technical point of view and moreover regarding international interest and matters from each kind of stakeholders representatives issues and interests. I am very excited to improve my knowledge on these subjects and to have a better overview of the context and perspectives (i.e. : IANA transition)
Carolin Weisser, Germany

London School of Economics

Carolin Weisser
Academic background: Carolin completed a master's degree in Media, Communication and Development at the London School of Economics (LSE), focusing on the impact of the Internet and information and communication technologies (ICT) on society. She examined challenges like access, power and privacy pertaining to ICT policies; and researched the regulatory frameworks of Internet governance. As part of her dissertation she investigated both how the open character of the Internet is continuously transferred to political, economic, and social systems and processes, and how consumers perceive such transitions. She also holds a BA (German Studies/Cultural Management) from the University of Karlsruhe (Germany) and successfully completed a Cyber Security strategy and policy training at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: The Euro-SSIG offers me the unique opportunity to further specialize in the field of Internet Governance (IG): both the holistic programme and the exclusive speakers broaden my academic experience, and allow me to gain insights of the multiple issues related to IG. Furthermore, the joint experiences with fellows from various countries and disciplines provide me the chance to learn more about the different perspectives and approaches, and to discuss those in an exceptional learning environment. Due my academic background and my professional experience as communication consultant in the German advertising industry and the international development sector, I am particularly interested in the empowering dimension of the internet for developing countries and the role of IG to ensure a collaborative and inclusive internet. I also want to learn more of the perspective of the private sector and its approaches to defend the Internet as an incubator and accelerator of innovation. Beyond that, I am very keen to know how cyber security aspects are and should be considered in the multistakeholder processes, how human rights, transparency, and accountability can be ensured, and how the principles of an open Internet can be aligned with national cyber security strategies and policies.
Carsten Brückner,

The Fed­er­al Of­fice of Ad­min­is­tra­tion

Carsten Brückner
Academic background: From 2008 to 2012 I studied business computer science and got the bachelor graduation. I did it in addition to my regular job at the Federal Office of Administration (Bundesverwaltungsamt). Since 2013 I'm studing business computer science to get the master graduation, also in addition to my current job.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I'm working for the LIR de.government at the Federal Office of Administration (Bundesverwaltungsamt). I want to improve my Knowledge about internet governance topics. It will help me to understand the different organisations, which coordinate internet resources. Also, it will help to understand the discussions in the communities of ripe, ietf, etc.
Dorde Dordevic,

Malmö University / BEUM Association

Dorde Dordevic
Academic background: I earned a Bachelor's degree in Political Science at University of Belgrade where I was mostly focused on internal politics - public administration, public policies, election systems and local government systems. On my current MA studies in Global Politics, I am more concentrated on the global governance, decision making and conflict management, with particular focus on the ever-growing role of internet in internal and external politics, including conflicts and wars. My current student experience in one of the most developed countries in the world (Sweden), gave me more insight on the Internet Governance and Internet Economy.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: Since I started my studies, I have been an active member of the NGO sector in Serbia, primarily leading an association that was determined to provide leadership skills to the youth in a country that is going through a transformation towards a full membership in the European Union. The rising influence of the new technologies on politics and governance must be studied and explored primarily by the youth, since that will be the dominant governance environment in the close future when they assume their leadership positions. I have a double interest in participating in this conference - both academic and professional. I am deeply interested in expanding my knowledge of the emerging new forms of governance and how they will affect the concept of the state and the international affairs, since I am determined to devote myself to these issues on my future PhD research. At the same time, I want to transfer the experience I would have at this summer school to the future young leaders through my association and enable them to adopt faster to the new trends.
Ellen Strickland,
New Zealand


Ellen Strickland
Academic background: I hold a Masters Degree in Communications (Victoria University) and one in International Development (University of Manchester) and a PhD (University of Queensland) in ICT policy.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I coordinate NetHui, the New Zealand national IGF initiative, and we are looking at capacity building for the community here in Oceania.
Esteban Lescano,

CABASE - ISP Association Argentinia

Esteban Lescano
Academic background: Lawyer with honors 2000 Universidad Austral Argentina LLM in business law 2003 Universidad Francisco de Vitoria Spain Executive MBA 2010 Universidad Austral Argentina Lecturer in freedom of speech law at Universidad de Buenos Aires since 2002 Head of the legal and public policy commission at CABASE (Argentinean ISP Association) LACNIC community leader, CRISP team member on IANA oversight transition, ICANN's fellow Los Angeles 51, active participant in LAC Space in ICANN meetings since 2014, Net Mundial participant on behalf of argentina private sector.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: Internet Governance is a key issue nowadays and I want to learn more about the main issues and conflicts englobed under this umbrella. I was in IGF meeting in Turkey and I will participate in LAC IGF 2015 and IGF meeting in 2015. Marilia Montero from Brazilian government recommends me to participate at the Euro SSIG summer school as the perfect way to understand the actual debates on Internet Governance. As private sector leader in argentina and university lecturer I will share the knowledge obtained with all the ISPs associated to CABASE and with my students and mass media in Argentina and LAC community.
Fahd Batayneh,


Fahd Batayneh
Academic background: I hold a B.SC in Computer Engineering with honors, and an MBA in Management. Other than my educational degrees, I have attended DiploFoundation's entire track on "Internet Governance Capacity Building Program", as well as ISOC's Next Generation course on the "Internet: Past and Present"

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I am well versed in IG, and have been so since my ventures into the Internet world started back in June 2008. I am a member of the Arab IGF MAG, have consulted on matters related to IG, and provides lots of education on IG as part of my job with ICANN. In the Middle East region, we have an annual school on IG which I am closely involved in, and by attending the Euro-SSIG, I have two goals in mind: 1) Enhance my education on IG, and 2) Learn news skills and ideas in order to replicate during our regional school on IG. You can learn more on our regional school on IG at https://community.icann.org/display/MES/MEAC-SIG+2014 (2014 edition) and https://community.icann.org/display/MES/MEAC-SIG+2015 (2015 edition).
Joao Monteiro Neto,

University fo Fortaleza - BRA / University of Kent -UK

Joao Monteiro Neto
Academic background: My background was developed interconnecting Law and Information Technology. During my academic education (Bachelor in Law, LLM in Criminal Law and Master in research in Constitutional Law, all at the University of Fortaleza, Brazil) and academic carrier, I focused my studies in the legal regulation of IT, which included the development of one research project about information technology criminal law in South America. Now, during my PhD at University of Kent ? UK, I am researching How national Internet Governance Systems could contribute to the design of the Global Governance Ecosystem, in special exploring the concepts of Multistakeholderism and Generative Governance.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: The Euro-SSIG is a unique opportunity to increase, in a collaborative way, my knowledge regarding to Internet governance history, theory and prospects. As a researcher interested in the development of national governance systems and its impacts in the future of the global governance ecosystem, I think that participate of a specific high quality program is a singular chance to strengthen my knowledge about the field and enhance the development of my research. The program will enable the participant to explore cutting edge themes and engage with scholars that are shaping the boundaries of the Internet Governance scholarship, what combined with a vibrant multidisciplinary collaborative community will empower the learning environment creating knowledge and stimulating the development of networks, institutional collaborations and research projects.
Juliano Cappi,


Juliano Cappi
Academic background: I am graduated in Business Administration at the São Paulo Catholic University, I have a master in Communication also at the Catholic University and I'm doing a PhD in Communication at the same University. During this period I have coordinated the production of more than 10 books debating the challenges for increasing access and use of the Internet in Brazil in different contexts (http://cetic.br/publicacoes/indice/) and I have gave nearly 150 interviews for many national medias (Google Search: Juliano Cappi site:nic.br/imprensa). Currently I'm studying the emergence of new forms of organization in the Brazilian Creative Industries.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I currently work at the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee - CGI.br Advisory Team wich is the departament at NIC.br coordinated by professor Hartmut Richard Glaser. The Brazilian Internet Steering Committee - CGI.br was created by Interministerial Ordinance 147, of May 31st, 1995, which was amended by Presidential Decree 4,829 of September 3rd, 2003, with the purpose of coordinating and integrating all Internet service initiatives in Brazil, as well as promoting technical quality, innovation and the dissemination of the services available. The CGI.br is comprised of members from the government, the corporate sector, the third sector and the academic community, and as such constitutes a unique Internet governance model for the effective participation of society in decisions involving network implementation, management and use.
Kristina Mikhnevich

Maastricht Universtity

Kristina Mikhnevich
Academic background: I have a bachelors degree in Engineering, and I am currently graduating from Maastricht University where I studied masters programme European Studies on Society, Science and Technology. My particular interest in ICT governance developed into my Master's thesis related to the EU-US debates on the Internet privacy after Snowden's revelations. I also engaged in online classes, such as University of Southampton's Web Science: How the Web is Changing the World and the Open Universitys Introduction to cyber security. I have past work experience in IT companies, and recently I have performed my internship on ICT governance in CNRS CERI.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: As I intend to continue my professional career in the area of social studies of Internet, I am interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG because it will allow me to sharpen and broaden my knowledge of ICT. Meeting leading experts, scholars and policy-makers in the field during the summer school will give me insights into the real policy-making process, including successful practices of ICT development as well as obstacles and problems encountered. This knowledge will be invaluable for my future endeavours in Belarus, given the current uneasy political situation and widespread government surveillance and censorship of the internet. In addition, international character of the Summer School will facilitate establishment of professional and personal, cross-cultural links for further knowledge exchange and the development of mutually beneficial policy and business practices related to Internet and media policies, practices and regulations.
Maria Hinz,


Maria Hinz
Academic background: I completed my studies at the University of Applied Sciences Berlin with a Bachelors and a Masters degree in Business Communications Management in 2013. In my masters thesis I examined the digital and grassroot lobbying regarding the ancillary copyright law for press publishers. Moreover I did some studies at the Free University of Berlin (2 terms of Business Administration) and at the Harvard Extension School in Cambridge/USA (Courses Introduction to Psychology, Principles of Economics). During my job at Mr. Blumenthals office and as a member of LOAD e.V. I've done a lot of research regarding internet policy and internet governance.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: After working at the office of Sebastian Blumenthal MP (2010-2013) and with eco Association of the Germany Internet Industry (2013-2014), I started my current job with dotBERLIN. Being the marketing communications manager of a new gTLD registry, it is crucial to have a deep understanding of internet governance. During my time at the Bundestag and at eco I have gained some experience and I have developed great interest in how the internet is governed, which players are part of it and how technical structures and decision making processes work. Since Mr. Blumenthal was the Chair of the Subcommittee of New Media and a member of the Internet Enquête I closely followed many internet law debates. The Internet is now not only part of my everyday routine but also the focus of my job, which I am really glad about. Nevertheless participating in the Euro-SSIG would not only be good for me at dotBERLIN but would also support my engagement in the multi-stakeholder work at ICANN.
Marianna Drake,
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

King's College London

Marianna Drake
Academic background: I am a final year law student at King's College London (LLB). I am especially interested in IT Law, Intellectual Property Law, particularly its application to the online domain, Information Privacy Law and Human Rights Law. I intend to pursue an LLM in Intellectual Property & Information Law.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: During my studies I've had the opportunity to learn about the issues raised around internet governance, and consider questions such as whether it is desirable to regulate the Internet, and if so through what means. I have found this a fascinating area as the Internet has come to play such a central role in modern society, from being the vessel for all of our intimate communications to disrupting the way dozens of industries and institutions are run. Due to the vital role that the Internet plays in each of our lives, I think it is crucial to have an understanding of its regulation, governance and the threats it faces. I am interested in attending the EURO-SSIG to learn more about internet governance from leading academics, lawyers and professionals working in the field. I believe I would greatly benefit form the opportunity of gaining more applied practical insight into internet governance, particularly the political process behind it. The course would add a crucial dimension to my current academic understanding of internet governance and provide me with a firmer grasp on how to get involved in shaping the future of internet governance. If selected I would also look forward to the opportunity of meeting other students, graduates and professionals who have an equally strong passion for the role of the Internet in society and what should be done to ensure the Internet remains open and free. I would also be eager to meet people from diverse cultural backgrounds and learn about how the Internet is regulated in their countries.
Mario Aleman,


Mario Aleman
Academic background: My background is in Electronic Engineering, receiving my bachelor degree in 2006 from National University of Engineering UNI in Nicaragua and master degree in Manufacturing Engineering from Berlin Technical University in Germany. I am currently an engineer consultant in power and telecom areas and active volunteer of IEEE, where we work in different projects as part of the Internet Initiative 3I. I have been an active participant of the Youth Forum program of ITU and ICANN fellowship where I discovered the importance of IG in a multistakeholder model.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: Global Internet is rapidly growing and has spurred dramatic changes that will continue for the foreseeable future. More connectivity, data expansion, domain names, infrastructure and governance will be demanded. Therefore, my interest to apply for Euro-SSIG and learn latest trends in Internet Governance and global policies that allow internet users and providers be more accountable, transparent and responsibly. The motivation to attend this course stems also from the fact to become a knowledgeable contributor of the Internet?s global multistakeholder community and be able to discuss, debate and propose ideas that could balance decisions in the internet infrastructure such as network neutrality, resiliency, cybercrime, data protection, security, stability, copyrights and intellectual properties, among others. I believe, enhancing and promoting more inclusion of engineers and community members with technical background will create better synergy with peers and decision makers. During this course, I plan to actively participate and engage with mentors, peers and participants from all over the world to discuss and contribute my experience by networking, educating and achieving project team work. I?m also eager to learn more from the social, economic, technological and political point of view and how to combine it as a single global policy trend.
Muhannad Al Tenaiji,
United Arab Emirates

Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRA)

Muhannad Al Tenaiji
Academic background: City & Guilds Etisalat Academy - Dubai

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: In January 2014, I started working for TRA (Telacommunication Regulatory Authority), in Policy Programs Department handling all .ae domain names . I have been strongly recommended to attend the Euro-SSIG . I am looking forward to improve my knowledge by sharing with others at the Euro-SSIG.
Nadira Alaraj,

ISOC Palestine Chapter

Nadira Alaraj
Academic background: I have double M.Sc. degrees in Computer Science & Information Resources Management. I've got into the Internet Governance after taking the Internet Governance Capacity Building Program through Diplo Foundation and also attended with them Train of Trainers course to be certified as online tutor on Internet Governance.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I am currently involved in online tutoring on Internet Governance (IG) through IGMENA.org program which is conducted in cooperation with Diplo Foundation. My objective for this year is to go beyond the online tutoring and be among the IG trainers in situ for MENA region. After going through the Euro-SSIG 2015 program and finding out that it is not going be an introductory program but it provides deeper understanding of the main IG issues, that encouraged me to apply to further my IG substance matters. In addition, getting the fresh IG knowledge from the veteran of IG policy advocates is a real added value. I am also looking forward to the component of the Role play - Multistakeholder practicum to get into the experience and its learning pedagogy. Lastly, spending a week with similar interest participants is a great networking opportunity.
Rodrigo Saucedo,


Rodrigo Saucedo
Academic background:
  • Masters Degree in Tax Law from Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar - La Paz, Bolivia
  • Bachelor degree in Law from Universidad Católica Boliviana - La Paz, Bolivia
Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I work for ICANN as Project Manager for Latin America and the Caribbean, responsible for coordinating the implementation of the LAC Strategic Plan, several projects of this plan are related to Internet Governance. I believe this program will solidify my knowledge of the history and theory of Internet governance helping me for future activities. Also will provide an opportunity to build relationships with fellow students and faculty.
Sabine Meyer,

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

Sabine Meyer
Academic background: I am a fully qualified lawyer who works at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy as a legal advisor. I mainly focus on administrative, European and international law.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I have started working at the ministry in November 2014, focusing on ICANN’s New gTLD Program, the IANA stewardship transition and especially the work of the Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability. Working in these areas has given me the opportunity to become well-acquainted with a particular corner of the Internet Governance cosmos. What I would like to take away from participating in the Euro-SSIG is a clearer view of the big picture; be it in a technical, economic or historic dimension. Additionally I would be glad to have the opportunity to meet other people engaged in Internet Governance, fellows and faculty alike. So far it has been my experience that “Internet Governance” isn’t just the issues you discuss - it's just as much the people with whom you discuss them. I am looking forward to broadening my horizons in this regard, too.
Sharada Srinivasan,

National Law School of India University

Sharada Srinivasan
Academic background: I am currently pursuing a Master of Public Policy at the National Law School of India University, Bangalore (Class of 2016). I secured a First Class with Distinction in my undergraduate degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology (2010-2014). I secured 96.33% in my core subjects at the Pre-University level (2010), and secured an Indian Certificate in Secondary Education (ICSE) with 94% (2008).

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I intend to focus on the area of Internet Governance for my graduate dissertation. Preliminarily, I have a keen interest in developing a deeper understanding of the multi-stakeholder approach to Internet governance, and I seek to compare it with India's current stated position that supports a multilateralist approach. I intend to study the implications of these approaches in the legal, diplomatic and development dimensions, especially given India?s recent focus on the utilization of the Internet in bridging key development divides and its policy on the Internet of Things. This summer school will equip me with a comprehensive theoretical understanding of Internet governance and management of critical Internet resources, as well as a practical hands-on experience facilitated by student projects and interactive roundtables. It gives me an opportunity to interact with multiple world-renowned experts in the realm of Internet governance, and I seek to benefit from their vast knowledge and advice. The International Conference on Public Policy and Management later this year has accepted an abstract of my paper on data privacy and cybersecurity challenges surrounding the large-scale use of the Internet of Things in the context of Smart Cities in India, and it is my firm belief that the summer school will enable me to develop a more nuanced understanding of these issues.
Sheetal Kumar,
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Global Partners Digital

Sheetal Kumar
Academic background: I hold an MSc in Media, Communications and Development with Distinction (2014) from the London School of Economics and an MA in International Relations with French (2009) from the University of St Andrews. My studies included global internet and communications policy, the evolution of the internet, communication for development, media in the global South and more broadly, theories relating to power, media and communications and technology.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: Working for an internet policy organisation which aims to facilitate Global South civil society engagement in global debates on internet policy and governance, I seek to further expand and develop my understanding of internet governance structures, institutions and processes. Euro-SSIG's comprehensive programme which covers political, legal, economic and socio-cultural dimensions and its practical, interactive learning format provide a unique opportunity to engage with and learn from experts and those working in a variety of stakeholder groups in internet governance. My daily and practical engagement with the internet policy environment, primarily to promote the meaningful participation of civil society in internet policy processes, will ensure that the knowledge gained during the Euro-SSIG will be informed by and will inform my future work. I have a strong interest in the creation of a human rights respecting policy approach to internet governance and would look forward to learning more and sharing my perspectives with others interested in this complex, dynamic and exciting field.
Thomas Pichler,

pressetext News Agency

Thomas Pichler
Academic background: Msc equivalent in astronomy and astrophysics

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: The question of "who rules the internet" remains controversial and therefore a potential pitfall for the information society. The broader public is hardly aware of, let alone educated in corresponding issues. To help fill this gap, as a journalist, I want to be able to better able to convey both the importance and complexity of topics of internet governace.
Tigabu Dagne Akal,

University of Münster

Tigabu Dagne Akal
Academic background: I have BSc degree in Computer Science and MSc degree in Information Science. I have International certifications in computer networking and server administration from Cisco System (CCNP, CCDP, and CCNA) and from Microsoft System (MCSE, MCSA). I have worked more than 5 years in the position of Network Administrator and Network Engineer. I have worked on Cisco devices and protocols like OSP, BGP, TCP/IP, IP address management and VLSM design, internet security, IT policy document preparation and web programming. Currently I am doing MSc degree in Geospatial Technologies at University of Muenster, Germany.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I appreciate the opportunity to provide further background information in support of my application for the 2015 EURO-SSIG, Germany. I am highly fascinated to attend the EURO-SSIG and to bring something for the society. Internet is everything in the 21st century. It influences policies, economics and cultures of a given society. I have a dream to know the internet governance concept. Many users are connected to the internet but there is no any governance rule. In the absence of such rules, no control mechanism especially in developing countries. This training will help me to bring internet governance rules for my country, Ethiopia. In my home country the government is used to block important internet sites because absense of internet governace policy documents. No freedom of expression and knowledge sharing on the abundant of the current internet technology and many websites are blocked in developing countries because of the absence of such documents. I will develop the internet governance policy document and will submit to the government of my country for the implementation. Cybercrime is a huge treat in the 21st century. So internet governance training will help me to focus on the solution of such kinds of problems.
Ursula Hundeck-Kemena,


Ursula Hundeck-Kemenal
Academic background: I am a qualified translator and hold a master degree (Diplom) from the School of Applied Linguistics at Heidelberg University, Germany.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I am part of the Public Relations Team of DENIC eG. My company being an important player in the Internet community, Internet Governance and its future course is a topic of great relevance to DENIC - and to global society. The IANA Transition and ICANN Accountability concern all of us and we must be aware of their potential effects. The SSIG in Meissen was recommended to me as the very academic forum to gain profound insight in the complexity of Internet Governance. I am looking forward to an international learning experience that will help me to view and understand the topic from new angles.
Wajdi Garali, Tunisia

Tunisian Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (INT)

Wajdi Garali
Academic background: I am a telecom Engineer graduated from the National Institut of Applied Science and technlogy in Tunis. I have a specialization Master degree from Polytechnical school with TIMA Lab (France) on communications and networks. I'm preparing my PhD at the National Telecommunications Engineering School (ENIT) regarding multi acess networks handover. I am also member of ISOC chapter Tunisia and IETEF Working Group LMAP.

Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG: I am very interested in participating in this program. I am interested in Internet governance issues since last year, In fact since 2011 Tunisian revolution made a great change for the Internet which used to be censored, nowadays we are sitting around the same table: government, civil society, academia and private sector in order to handle many issues related to Internet beginning by the universal use and free access for all. I attended some events like arab IGF in beirut last November and I feel that I have to improve my knowledge regarding to IG as well as enhance my technical skills in order to prepare other internet related projects mainly started by my work into the Tunisian regulator.