Council of Europe
Academic background: I have a Law Degree, a Master in European Studies from the Real Instituto of Estudios Europeos, an Advanced Studies Diploma and a PhD in Law from the University of Zaragoza. I worked as University lecturer and associate professor of European Union Law and Public International Law. I also published several articles or book chapters on subjects related to Law and the Internet as this was one of my research interests.
Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG:
When I worked at University, I did research on the interplay between law and Internet. Internet governance started got my attention because it works in a very different way than the classical model of creating International law. I want to know how and whether the multi-stakeholder mechanisms works. I also believe it is a crucial topic in a world where technology is ubiquitous and we are connected 24/7.
Afterwards I started to work in the Media and Internet Division of the Council of Europe. We try to ensure that Internet governance works in a way that respects and improves the protection of human rights, democracy and the rule of law. Attending the SSIG would be useful for me because I will deepen my knowledge of Internet Governance in areas relevant for my work. I think the EuroSSIG is the best place to learn about the topic with a European approach. I would also be able to contribute sharing the work my organization has done on the topic or is about to start. I also count of creating a good network of people working in the subject from different perspectives.