Malawi Internet Governance chapter / ISOC
Academic background: Graduate computer scientist, currently working for a major Internet Service Provider in Malawi. Member of the internet governance Malawi chapter. Having been involved with on a number of activities both locally and on the global level, through my involvement with ICANN where I am a member of the GNSO (NCUC-Member) as well as ISOC fellow on the African Peering Forum.
Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG:
I have dedicated my entire life to the development of the internet governance principals through my community work both at home as well as on the global scene. As a fellow of the ICANN and ISOC I have attended many forums which have helped me contribute to a number of notable developments in Malawi, In 2014 I was involved during the formation and establishment of the Malawi IGF chapter but also facilitated a number of public presentations on the issue of encouraging creating more local content. I feel this course will help me realize a full potential of the internet governance as I have never taken one, yet it’s so important and necessary that I be considered one in-order to better me reach out with more knowledge and info. I am also an active member of The Youth Coalition on Internet Governance which was established to advocate for the voice of children, young people and young adults in Internet Governance debates, particularly at the annual Internet Governance Forum.