Academic background: I have bachelor degrees in International Management (from ESB Business School Reutlingen, Germany) and European Management (from Lancaster University, UK) and a master’s degree in Environmental Governance from the University of Freiburg (Germany). In the context of my master’s studies I have learnt a lot about multi-stakeholder and multi-layer Governance as such, but not in the specific context of the Internet.
Please explain why you are interested to participate at the Euro-SSIG:
I am an employee of the German Federal Office of Administration and spend a significant share of my working time on tasks associated with the operational running of the Local Internet Registry (LIR) de.government. De.government is, amongst other things, responsible for the administration of the IPv6 address space of the German public administration. I would like to participate in the Euro-SSIG 2017 in order to broaden my understanding of the Internet Governance ecosystem in which we as an LIR operate. I am particularly interested in learning about the actors that play a role in Internet Governance, in improving my understanding of the (international) policy making mechanisms within the field of Internet Governance and in learning about central topics of interest to the Internet Governance community (e.g. security, IoT, etc.). In addition to this, I also want to participate in Euro-SSIG 2017 because I believe that the sectoral and cultural diversity of the faculty and fellows will allow me to find out more about the perspectives and attitudes of very different Internet Governance actors. Last but not least, participation in Euro-SSIG 2017 was also strongly recommended to me by a colleague who was able to participate in Euro-SSIG 2016.