Marielza Oliveira is the Director of the UNESCO Communications and Information Sector’s Division for Digital Inclusion, Policies and Transformation, where she leads work on access to information and digital transformation. Additionally, Ms. Oliveira is Secretary of UNESCO’s Information for All Programme; UNESCO Observer in the IGF’s Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) and Policy Networks on Internet Fragmentation, on AI, and on Meaningful Access; in ICANN; Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network; and the European Commission’s High-Level group on Internet Governance. Ms. Oliveira is a member of the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development’s Membership Committee. Prior experiences include as Director of the UNESCO office covering East Asian; UNDP’s global results data analytics and manager; Associate Director for Governance at UNITAR; oversight of multiple UNDP offices in Latin America; democratic governance programme officer in UNDP Brazil; and UNDP Brazil’s campaign manager for the Millennium Development Goals. She was also Systems Engineer at the US Army Construction Engineering Research Lab (USACERL), where she developed award-winning decision support and expert systems; senior consultant at Fundacao Dom Cabral; and Director of Executive Education at Ibmec Business School. She holds a Master of Science in Finance and a Ph.D. in Business Administration with a minor in Cognitive Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. Her professional honors include the 2007 Human Development Awards Special Recognition for Innovation in Human Development Measurement Tool; the 2005 UNDP Administrator’s Award for Innovation and Commitment; the J.M. Jones Award in Business Administration; the selection by Guia da Boa Governança Corporativa Exame as one of Brazil’s top corporate governance specialists; and the Commendation Letter for her nomination as the USACERL Researcher of the Year Award.